Societies’ Corner | Kate Dennison

Get Raw with LawLet the record show that raw is in reference to how ‘real’ things got at the last house meeting, and is not a sexual reference of any kind. Sustained. Anyway, the UCC Law Society did a fantastic job on their first event of the year. The motion before the house was that ‘this house would legislate for the X case’. No need for us non-law students to be worried about what was going on as the chairperson, Mr. Sean O'Conaill, soon explained to us that the X case involved a young girl who was denied the right to go to England to get an abortion after being raped. When it was put forward that she was suicidal as a result of this inaction, the Supreme Court came to the decision that as the child’s right to life was influenced by the mother’s right to life, then it was legal for the mother to go to England to have an abortion.The conversation quickly became a pro/anti-abortion debate rather than a complicated legal discussion, so it was easy for the audience to become engaged. Some speakers from the audience were so illogical that the rest of us felt compelled to contribute from the floor. Men comparing women who had abortions to Hitler killing children was a common theme, luckily the more moderate audience members (both guys and girls) managed to…now how should I put this, oh yes…destroy them with words! At the end of the night class rep election results were announced and I was crushed to not hear my name amongst the winners, later remembering that as an arts student, and someone who hadn’t actually taken part in the elections, it would have been difficult for me to triumph in that particular area. A passionate debate and an entertaining night was had by all! Fill Up A Flask and Put On A MaskThat’s right people, it’s time to deal with the complex issue of collaborations between societies, starting with the fantastic Masquerade Ball! Thanks to Atheist Soc, MedRen, Net Soc, SciFi and WARPS we had ourselves an amazing Halloween-themed event at the Spailpin Fanach just a few weeks ago. After spending the better part of an hour making my own mask I was less than pleased to see not many of the other guests had taken the theme as seriously as I had. Although to be fair, most of them had obviously spent a lot longer on their costumes than I had on my mask…With regards to characters, over the course of the evening I met Cinderella (still with both shoes), a hobbit (with no shoes) and every member of the Avengers! There were people painted red, people painted blue, guys in full armour, girls in corsets (and little else), and Team Rocket even made an appearance. Drinks were flowing and the music was perfect for the societies involved. Despite not knowing the words to some heavy metal songs I really enjoyed watching everyone else rock out on the dance floor, while I sipped a drink and tried to guess who was under each mask (so much harder than one would expect). We continued the party in the Brog, and I managed to return home with more shoes then I had left the house with. Overall a successful evening and well worth the five euro we splashed out.


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