You See Me? You Play Me | Fergal Carroll

Gaming Editor Fergal Carroll brings you questionable scares, a maddening adventure and finally does you a favour.

     The Biggie: The biggie this week is a somewhat controversial choice, Resident Evil 6. It was released at the start of October to a surprisingly (in my opinion) hostile response. Resi isn’t the same game today compared to when the franchise first appeared in 1996. It has moved away from the low ammo and big scares and transformed itself, starting with the excellent Resi 4, into a big summer blockbuster. It is full of action, explosions and big guns. The tense action and suspense from the first three are almost nowhere to be found. It will be an enjoyable experience as long as you match your expectations accordingly. This is more Gears of War: Resident Evil and less traditional Resi.

     The Cheapie: Released during the summer, this week’s budget game is Spelunky on XBLA. As a lone adventurer you must use your whip, rope, bombs and wit to complete four completely random levels fill with relentless enemies, unfair traps while rescuing damsels in distress along the way. No level is ever the same, making each new adventure its own unique journey. It will have you pulling your hair out in no time, I promise. It’s only 1200 Microsoft Points, so go get it now!

     The Freebie: For all you gamers who don’t even have a budget, I’d suggest that you check out Spelunky on the PC. It is the origin of the recently released Spelunky on XBLA and while it mightn’t have the same amount of polish or features as its Xbox counterpart, the spirit of the game remains intact and it WILL have you writhing around in frustration in no time just like its XBLA counterpart. It’s free and should run on almost any laptop, just head on over to and download it!

     The Favour: This week I’ll be a nice gaming editor and do YOU a favour. So, you know how you and everyone in the entire world loves Pokémon but Nintendo is too silly or not competent enough to release a proper Pokémon MMO? Well, now your dreams have come true thanks to some dedicated Pokémon fans. They took Pokémon Fire Red, the GBA re-release of the original Pokémon Red, did a little bit of code magic and turned it into a fully fledged MMO. I can hear you shouting out in glee already! Just head on over to for the details. You’ll be travelling Kanto with your friends in tow in no time!


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