A Box Of Chocolates | Una Farrell

     Moving into college accommodation, whether it be a house or apartment, there is always the huge gamble in relation to housemates. Even if you know the person/people, living with them is still a risk. You may think you know them well enough but they say you never really know someone until you live with them. I know people who may be best friends but will refuse to live with each other. Living with strangers then poses an even bigger risk.

     We’ve all had our encounters with awkward housemates who we just don’t get along with. Whether they are smelly, messy, loud or just plain annoying there’s usually not much that can be done about them, seeing as deposits and rent have been paid. These faults may not come into view for another few weeks while people settle into their new abodes and become more comfortable, or they might be present from the onset.

     For those among you who think “Hey, I’ve never had a bad housemate! Lucky me!” Stop and think for a second: maybe it’s you? Maybe you’re the one room mate who the others can’t stand to be around for more than 10 minutes because the smell is so bad. Maybe the reason you always end up hanging out in other’s rooms is because no one comes into yours because of the mess? Now that I have you worried, here are some of the top offenders in a bad housemate. Tick even one and you can count yourself as an annoying housemate. Unfortunately I am pulling from personal experience in some of these cases, and many of you will probably be able to recall a past or present housemate who may well embody many of these traits.

Leaving hair (all kinds) in the shower drain.

Leaving tea bags in the sink.

Playing bad music really loudly at all times.

Using someone else’s razor in the shower.

Picking at your feet in common areas of the house.

Leaving gone off food in the fridge.

Insisting on eating the smelliest of foods.

Refusing to shower more than once a week.

Leaving dirty clothes in the washing machine.

Slamming the front door, or any door for that matter.

Hogging the remote to watch Ear to the Ground or something equally boring.

Constantly having sessions regardless of other people in the house.

Robbing food that isn’t yours and not replacing it.

Not washing dishes for days on end.

Climbing the stairs like a herd of elephants.

Leaving cups of tea around the house which eventually go mouldy.

Constantly having overnight guests staying for very loud activities.

Stealing your clothes.

Refusing to clean any part of the house.

Waking everyone up early.

Leaving the heating on to ensure the house is a sauna.

     If you do find yourself with a housemate who displays any or all of the qualities above, I feel your pain. There’s not much to do but bear what you can while subtly trying to hint at certain habits which disgust you. When you have to pluck ginger hair from your shower drain or leave the room because of the smell of someone’s feet, know that I can empathise. If you don’t have an annoying housemate, it’s you. But panic not, for not all housemates are bad. I’ve made friends for life from living with strangers. It’s just pot luck who you’re stuck with sometimes. Take the good with the bad. New housemates are like a box of chocolates, you never know who you’re going to get.


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