An Interview with Cork native, Rushes

One of the brightest musical talents coming from Cork is an act known as Rushes. Currently based in Dublin, Rushes has just released his debut single as part of the creative hub known as Diffusion Lab, a song called ‘Wild High’. Rushes took a moment to sit down and talk about his start in music. Express: How did you first get into music production and songwriting?Rushes: I first got into music production just from wanting to learn how to make my own material from the ground up. I realised a lot of it can be done by yourself, so I practiced methods from music I’ve been listening to from other artists, and built on it. After secondary school I started a music production course in Dublin, but I didn’t really connect with the material being taught, so I deferred my term and moved up to Dublin full time to work on music with other creatives in the city.  Express: When did you write your first song?Rushes: I probably attempted to write early on, around 11 or 12, but didn’t get into it properly until I was 15. For a long time, I was apprehensive to show my work cause I wasn’t at a stage where I was comfortable with what I was producing. It really is just practice and writing a lot of genuinely weak songs to get to a good one.  Express: How would you describe your song writing style and genre?Rushes: I try not to stick to one style or genre, especially now as I’m writing for other artists and have to keep their style and character in mind too. I guess it’s all just based off a feeling. I’m constantly writing but I won’t force it out. If I’m not feeling a track I’ll leave it and continue when I get a new source of inspiration for it. Some songs take 20 minutes, others take a week. Right now, I’m currently collaborating with some great writers. It’s a process I’m only just getting used to since I usually write alone but I’m looking forward to seeing how I progress in that avenue also.  Express: How did you get involved in Diffusion Lab?Rushes: I got involved with Diffusion Lab in early 2017. I had a lot of demos built up that needed production that I couldn’t do alone. I had a meeting with them to discuss my ideas for what I wanted and it just kind of snowballed from there. The guys inside the studio are incredible workers and really get the best out of you. They also give you a lot of freedom to try new concepts, so it’s a really great environment inside there.  Express: Describe the songwriting process and the meaning behind your newest release, “Wild High”Rushes: Wild High was the first demo we worked on together in Diffusion Lab. I remember the concept of the track was to create a feeling of when someone could elevate you to a place more than you thought you could go to, and vice versa. When I brought it to the studio it was a quick process because the foundation of the track was already there. We finished the track it in a couple of sessions. The guys really fleshed it out and took it to a whole new level.  Express: What are your hopes for 2018?Rushes: For 2018 I’m just trying to amplify everything I’m doing. I’m not shying away from my goals, so it’s going to be a year filled with a lot of work, new music and shows. I’m definitely looking forward to playing the 2018 festival run and showcasing my work to new audiences. I also want to collaborate with more international artists and just broaden what I have going for me at the moment. ‘Wild High’ and Rushes current and upcoming releases will be on Spotify and Apple Music. You can follow Rushes at @RushesOfficial on Instagram, Twitter & Facebook.


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