Bry – An Album Review

Some people may already know of Bry through his incredibly popular YouTube vlogging channel, but any preconceptions that he is simply getting an album off the back of a few subscribers is quickly dispelled, as this talented musician leaves his mark on you within a matter of minutes of his debut album. The Irish singer-songwriter is out to prove everyone wrong, and with almost inch perfect production from Greg Wells (Twenty One Pilots, Mika and Katy Perry) it comes off a treat.The album starts in an upbeat mood, with a stomping rhythm leading the song to almost anthemic proportions. The wave of positivity slips in and out of the album, with some emotional acoustic songs slipping through. One of these slower, sadder songs is, however, the best song on the album; ‘Your Life Over Mine’ starts very slowly, with a synth backing track and an acoustic guitar, but the soaring heights of the chorus make it the best track on the album by far, and one of the best from a new Irish act this year. It encapsulates what it’s like to care for someone more than you ever thought you could and is heartbreakingly honest, with the pleading “please don’t leave” encapsulating how everyone feels at some stage of their life. Other track highlights include Adventure Time, a track that was first released on Bry’s YouTube Channel in 2013, that has been slightly reworked for the album, the upbeat Care (despite a somewhat infuriating ‘grand’ at the end) and the smooth closing track in Pieces. A nice touch for original fans is that a lot of the previously released songs have not been changed drastically, allowing those who had an attachment to the originals to keep that emotional connection. The song ‘Everything’ is much too similar to a certain Coldplay song for comfort, but on a debut album, you’re allowed a blip or two.Overall a very catchy debut album - endearingly lovely, cute and the perfect study companion. The lyrics, while simple, suit it, and fit the feel of the album as a whole. From an act that started on YouTube, this album and his endearing personality has the possibility to take him across the world.


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