Bucking the New Year’s trend

Qualified fitness instructor Cathal O'Reilly gives the lowdown on building and maintaining fitness for the year ahead. Check out Google’s search history in January and it’ll more than likely be filled with questions on how to lose weight or build muscle. The solution is simple: work hard, don't eat chocolate, be consistent and you will see results. Consistency is the key to success in getting fit whether you want to improve general fitness or run a marathon. Remember: failing to prepare is preparing to fail. Here are a few key points to remember when you hit the Mardyke this January.Gear: The basics.Please don't spend needless cash in sports shops in January. All you need is a towel, comfortable runners and some loose fitting clothing you can move freely in. Yes, some new clothes might give you that extra bit of confidence and motivation but be wary as the new gear may pick up dust if you decide not to use it. Wait a month or so until you know it will be a regular habit. Water. Bring a water bottle to fill in the Mardyke. Preferably you should fill your water before you get to the gym because the water machines at the Mardyke are very slow and will have queues, especially in January. You don't need to drink gallons of water so don't believe the myths. A 500ml water bottle will be plenty to keep you hydrated during an intense workout.  Post workout. Bring something to snack on for after your workout to keep the body replenished. You will probably see people with protein shakes and other snacks but don't panic; a simple banana or apple is enough for immediate replenishment, although food high in protein within an hour after your workout won’t go amiss. Substitutes. Instead of looking at extreme diets, look for substitutes. Substitute brown bread for white bread, full fat butter for other oily spreads. Throw in crunchy vegetables into your evening meal to replace cheese and pasta. Protein. Ask yourself the question: how much protein do I need? The general guideline for someone who exercises regularly is 1.5grams of protein per pound of body weight. It is worth tracking how much protein you take in to see if you’re getting enough. Remember it's just a guideline, there is no need to be obsessive. Good protein sources are white meats like chicken or turkey. Protein shakes are only for people who have intense workout regimes and who are training similarly to professional athletes. They can be high in sugars and carbs which will completely stunt your fat loss. The mental game.Your mentality is your key to success in your fitness goals. As most people are aware, the key to everything is balance. Find something you enjoy. Some people like spending 10 minutes on the treadmill and 10 minutes on the bike. Don't crucify yourself because it will only lead to burnout. Be nice to yourself and reward yourself for your efforts. Consistency is important, 10 minutes spent exercising is better than nothing at all. Rated Perceived Exertion scale.This scale is useful to ask yourself am I exercising hard enough. You should rate your efforts out of 10. You shouldn't be going above 8 or below 6. Somewhere in between is perfect for your optimal efforts. It’s important to remember the harder you work in the gym the more results you will see, but don’t forget exercise is most importantly about a long term goal of remaining healthy and not a 4 week fix.  


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