Burning Copper

Burning Copper By Imasha Costa, Arts & Literature Editorthis copper that lingers in my blood rules me,turning me into the person that i am.i learned how to embrace the copper within me, allowing the sunlight to escape and flourish within every cell inside of me; igniting the fire that had been asked to simmer down and not cause damage.i learned to embrace the colour - the copper that runs through my veins.i learned to become someone that was hiding underneath all the raw flesh that broke me apart;my skin is my country, is my legacy, is my fealty.this copper that i have moulded has become a part of me and is me.(i am sinhalese, i am bangladeshi). my culture is who i am, and who i evolve from.my story is yet to be told but the copper will keep on burning and burning until she is ready to fight for her humanity.this copper is in me, i am me.no one can take that from me.i. am. me.i am the beauty you see in the flames of the burning copper.


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