Editorial: Byline

Editorials are, to me, the personal side-note of an editor; a snippet space in the paper where an editor truly has free reign to write as and about anything they wish. Some editorials introduce the theme of that particular issue of the paper with reference to some of the articles, some express the editor’s own opinion on a topical issue, some feature an anecdotal story or piece of advice, but all allow readers an insight into the editor’s own personal life and thoughts and this is the reason why I love editorials. Who doesn’t love a bit of personality? What makes this particular editorial especially significant is that it is my first. Not significant to anyone but me, true, but this is my editorial after all, so I can write about it.I love writing. It’s something I’ve been doing for a long time now, and since starting college and coming to UCC I’m not only thinking that writing is what I want to do for a living, but also that writing is something I can do for a living. College; where dreams become goals. The first thing I did when I came to UCC in my first year was apply to be the Deputy-Features Editor for what was then called the UCC Express. I got the job, and that was the beginning. In my second year I went for Features Editor. I got that, too. This year, my final year, I am Byline Editor. Next year, who knows?My point is this: if you have an interest, a passion, or even a curiosity about anything that you haven’t yet had the opportunity to explore, now is the perfect time: do it. UCC offers a range of societies and clubs that cover all angles of interest, genuinely; there is something for absolutely everyone. That one little thing I did in my first year of college, joining the Express team, was the best thing I’ve done. Joining whatever club or society it is that has caught your eye could turn out to be the best thing you do in college too, so do it.If you’re interested in writing for University Express, or more specifically Byline, do not hesitate to get in touch. My inbox is always open to everyone; for those who wish to write for us, express an opinion, respond to an article or topic discussed, anything at all. Even just a chat, I’m always up for that: byline@uccexpress.ie


A chat with Bee (Jonathan), from the Tullamore Trio Chasing Abbey.
