Chief Justice Denham Launches Cork Online Law Review | John Casey

Chief Justice Denham, COLR Launch, UCCThe Hon. Mrs. Justice Susan Denham, Chief Justice of Ireland travelled to Cork last Thursday to launch the 12th Edition of the Cork Online Law Review (more fondly known as COLR) at University College Cork. Her address was hugely well attended, with those in attendance including the Deputy Lord Mayor, Cllr. Emmet O' Halloran, the Dean of UCC Law Faculty, Prof. Ursula Kilkelly, members of UCC Law Society, lecturers, practitioners and the general public. The contribution that the seven academic articles published in this year's edition would make to legal debate was emphasized by the Chief Justice on the night. She also highlighted the trend setting nature of the Cork Online Law Review, it was the first to take law reviews online in 2001, today the Supreme Court's website experiences millions of page views.The profiles of both Chief Justice Denham and the Law Review have grown immeasurably since she was last its guest of honour in 2005. In 2011, she became the first female Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, and also the first Protestant to hold that role. During the same period, COLR has gone on to garner international recognition, being described by the New York University Law School as the "leading online law review in Ireland". COLR was revolutionary when established by Cork law students who had the vision of forming Ireland’s only online law review to be run solely by law students. Today that innovation remains unabated with the most recent addition being the Letters to the Editor segment run regularly on its website.


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Video 5: Presidential Debate