Circadian Rhythms: The Body Clock-Themed Exhibition at the UCC Glucksman

The Glucksman Gallery at UCC launched its newest exhibition, Circadian Rhythms, on Saturday2 August. In conjunction with the SFI research body APC Microbiome Ireland, the exhibitionfocuses on the interaction between the human microbiome— the microorganisms that live insidethe human body— and the body’s internal sense of time, or “internal clock”.The Glucksman Gallery is a contemporary art museum on UCC’s main campus, oftencollaborating with UCC bodies. Circadian Rhythms was held in conjunction with the SFIresearch body APC Microbiome, located in UCC.Curated by Chris Clarke and Fiona Kearney, the exhibition features Irish and international artistsdrawing on the themes of time, schedule, and working life. In addition to pieces by severalestablished artists, there will also be an interactive educational area, created by APCMicrobiome. Featured artists include performance artist Tehching Hsieh, and Dutch designerMaarten Baas, with a 12-hour film that functions as a real-time clock.“We are delighted to showcase the ideas and world-class research of our colleagues in APCMicrobiome Ireland through the imaginative work of contemporary Irish and international artists,”said Fiona Kearney, director of the Glucksman Museum. “Art and science are linked throughcreativity, observation and experimentation and this exhibition will give people an opportunity toreflect on how daily and seasonal changes impact the everyday rhythms of our lives.”APC Microbiome specialises in the study of the microbiome of the gut, and how it interacts withhuman health in all regards, while UCC researchers have previously implicated a link betweenthe gut microbiome and mental health."The microbiome itself has a circadian pattern of activity and sends signals to the human hostwhich help to keep our own circadian clock ticking in perfect time,” said Professor Paul Ross,Director, APC Microbiome Ireland SFI Research Centre.“Poor diet can disrupt the microbiome and this finely balanced circadian synchronicity andincrease the risk for development of cardio-metabolic diseases. We are delighted to haveanother opportunity to work with the Glucksman creating this innovative platform tocommunicate APC research.”The exhibition can be viewed for free and runs until November 3.


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