Cork City WFC 4-0 Kilkenny United WFC

Goals from Katie McCarthy, Maggie Duncliffe and a brace from Saoirse Noonan gave Cork City WFC all three points as they won 4-0 on Saturday 30th of September at Bishopstown in the Continental Tyres Women’s National League. City got off to the brighter start of the two sides, with good play from Saoirse Noonan setting up Clare Shine, whose header hit the crossbar. Christina Dring made space for herself on the right wing and sent in a cross for Saoirse Noonan, whose header was aimed straight at Kilkenny goalkeeper Megan Butler. Butler was on hand again to make a great save to deny Clare Shine, who was sent through thanks to a pinpoint pass from Meghan Borque. City got the breakthrough in the 18th minute, Saoirse Noonan took a City free kick just outside the Kilkenny penalty area, the free was deflected by Megan Butler but Katie McCarthy was on hand to put away the rebound to give City a 1-0 lead. City almost had a two goal lead in the 25th minute when Christina Dring got around the goalkeeper but wasn’t able to get her shot on target. City continued their dominance into the second half as Clare Shine had a great effort from outside the box which just went over the bar. City’s second goal came in the 55th minute, as Katie McCarthy was fouled in the box to give City a penalty, which was put away with ease by Saoirse Noonan. Meghan Borque had two efforts to get on the scoresheet, firstly through a Maggie Duncliffe free-kick which went over the bar and the second after she was set up in the box by Clare Shine but her effort went high and wide. Tara O’Gorman replaced Christina Dring in the 67th minute, and Angie Carry replaced Katie McCarthy in the 76th minute. City finished the game with two late goals, the first in the 80th minute as Maggie Duncliffe scored a spectacular goal from distance, her shot going into the roof of the net to make it 3-0. And in the 84th minute a brilliant ball from Danielle Burke set up Saoirse Noonan to head home her second goal of the game, and end the match at Cork City WFC 4-0 Kilkenny United WFC. Teams:Cork City WFC: Eve Badana; Danielle Burke, Maggie Duncliffe, Ciara McNamara, Natalie O’Brien; Meghan Bourque; Christina Dring (Tara O’Gorman 67), Katie McCarthy (Angie Carry 76), Kate O’Donovan, Saoirse Noonan; Clare Shine. Unused Sub: Amanda Budden. Kilkenny United: Megan Butler; Cliondhna Ní Shé, Erica Byrne, Ciara Delaney; Aishling Carroll (Karley Leavy 45), Leanne Payne, Sylvia Gee, Sarah O’Donoghue, Bethany Carroll (Emma Boyle 73), Jenny Chambers, Nicky Plunkett (Niamh Kelly 65). Unused Sub: Bronagh Kane.


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