Disney Plus Launches. Film & TV Editor Struggles to Write Article

Disney Plus has finally arrived in Ireland and it could not come at a better time. While we all may stuck inside for the next 14 years with the poxy Corona Virus outbreak, at least we have a whole streaming service full of nostalgia to keep us going. Unless of course you preferred Nickelodeon as a child. If that’s the case, you’re worse than the Corona Virus.Parents with young children now have the ability to completely ignore their kids despite being trapped inside with them all day, every day for the foreseeable future. Disney Plus has graced us all with their extensive back catalogue of films and tv series, spanning back to Disney’s early beginnings.Users can avail of a subscription which costs €6.99 a month or €69.99 a year. Both options are unbelievably generous from Disney. Especially when you consider that a Netflix subscription will set you back €11.99 for a standard membership. Despite the generously low membership rate, is a Disney Plus subscription actually worth it?Yes. Obviously. We’re in lockdown for like the next 172 years. What else are you going to be doing?However, people have not seemed to realise just how good this deal is. Lets’ make one thing clear. Disney own about 90% of Hollywood. 20th Century Fox? That’s Disney’s. Star Wars? That’s Disney’s too. National Geographic? You bet your ass Disney own that bad boy. Disney have been purchasing production companies at a frighteningly quick pace over the years. They’ll somehow own you and your loved ones too in a few short years, just you wait. My very convoluted point being, Disney own so much, and we’re getting to watch it all for under €85 a year no matter what. That’s insane.Anything you can possibly think of which Disney are attached to is on Disney Plus. I spent the first night of my Disney Plus subscription watching bang average, mostly forgotten about Disney Channel Original Movies from the early 2000s. Safe to say, I was overcome with a wave of nostalgia watching the likes of The Even Stevens Movie, You Wish and Eddie’s Million Dollar Cook-Off. A can of Coke to anyone who remembers them.When I had my fair share of 2003 mediocrity, I switched over to some actual films. The kind that get released in the Cinema. Every single Marvel movie is available on Disney Plus. Personally, I have never bought into the hype of the MCU, but since we’re stuck inside, I thought “why not give it a go?”. It’s all extremely overrated from what I’ve seen so far, but that’s neither here nor there. It now couldn’t be easier to watch all of the blockbusters and pop culture phenomena that you were too busy to see when they first released. All we have for the next 73,864 years of lockdown is free time. Personally, I’m going to suffer through the rest of the MCU just so people can finally stop annoying me when I say that I haven’t seen all of it yet. Then I’m going to head over to a galaxy far, far away and try to pinpoint where exactly Star Wars went from the greatest film franchise of all time, to an embarrassing shell of itself that butt hurt fans now use to shit in. When I’ve completed that mind-numbing slog… maybe watch some Hannah Montanna? Am I saying Disney Plus is fantastically ground-breaking? No. Am I saying its worth the subscription fee? Yes. Am I trying to pad out this article because Hollywood has gone into lockdown with the rest of the world and there is absolutely no news to report on? You know it. When Disney Plus first launched in the US back in November 2019, subscribers were having their accounts stolen. I wrote an article about it. You should read it if you haven’t already. It’s most certainly better than this tripe you’re currently reading. However, I was expecting Disney Plus to be this grandiose eutopia of entertainment from generations past, present and future (somehow). It would have to be to warrant stealing people’s accounts. But no. Hackers just really wanted to watch The Mandalorian apparently, which is also tragically mediocre.The expectations of Disney Plus were set unachievably high after that. Those expectations were not met. Disney Plus is exactly what you would expect it to be, but that’s still great. It cannot be underestimated just how good of a time the launch of Disney Plus has been. People who were not planning on purchasing the streaming service have undoubtedly paid for a subscription just to pass away the time and cope with the boredom of self-isolation. Despite there currently being a global pandemic, Disney have somehow come out as big winners.If you haven’t already subscribed to Disney Plus, you will. Sooner or later the boredom of self-isolation will get to you and you will grow tired of Netflix, Prime Video and whatever crap is still on regular Television channels. Do yourself a favour, create an account now before Disney go full Disney and charge you a small fortune for an above average product.Regardless if you subscribe to Disney Plus or not, please stay safe during these difficult times and I cannot apologise enough for making this pandemic even worse for you by forcing you to read this utter disgrace of an ‘article’.


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