Ditch the Disposables

Approximately 4,500 reusable cups have been distributed to incoming first year studentsduring orientation in a further bid to emphasise UCC’s commitment to having anenvironmental friendly campus.In recent times, certain measures have been implemented in order to encourage studentsand staff alike to be more prudent when it comes to their attitude towards disposable cups.Discounts have been made available to those who bring their own cup into the college andsubsequently use it instead of those that are made available. From the start of the 17/18academic year a new rule was introduced, banning the entry of any disposable cups into theBoole library. In order to help with the transition, a limited number of bamboo cups weremade available, as well as travel mugs with UCC logos being made available for sale in thestudent centre.However, a significant step has been made in making reusable mugs more widely availablewith this dispersal to first year students. The inspiration for the action came as a result of acollaboration between Cork City Council, UCC and the Southern Region Waste ManagementOffice.A huge reason behind the idea came directly as a result of an approach made by UCC’sStudent’s Union to Cork City Council last year. Following on from a meeting between thetwo parties, the Southern Region Waste Management Office (SRWMO) were made aware ofthe Student’s Union’s request of making reusable mugs more readily available. With the aimof receiving a grant for €10,000, a pilot scheme was launched to determine the desires ofthose at UCC. As a result, a survey was conducted with some 1,200 students at UCC, wherethey trialled three separate travel cups. Of the three that were tested it was found that thebamboo travel mug was the most popular for students and this is what 4,500 new first yearstudents to the college will find in their fresher bags.According to SRWMO, some 200 million cups are disposed of in Ireland every year and inresponse to the measures adopted, Cork City Council’s Mary Walsh was warmed to see howUCC were fighting and encouraging for reusable cups and mugs to be the norm.In response to all of this, the Chairperson of the UCC Green’s Society, Niamh O’Reilly said,“It’s great to see the college continue its excellent track record when it comes to theenvironment. Not only will this lead to students taking more personal responsibility,environmentally speaking, but UCC students are the business leaders, the politicians, theactivists of tomorrow, so something so ‘small’ as giving every fresher a cup could lead toserious societal changes in time.”


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