Dress well, test well | Tracy Nyhan

fashion exams5 fashion exams3Think making an effort is too much of an effort when it comes to exam time? Think again, says Entertainment editor Tracy Nyhan. The time is almost here. After weeks and weeks of preparation exams are very nearly among us. Understandably, it’s a stressful time and, as such, dressing well and keeping yourself well-groomed (or even showered, for that matter) seems so unimportant with too much effort involved. Especially considering that those twenty minutes spent in the shower or in front of the mirror could prove invaluable when last-minute cramming is concerned. However, fear not. It is possible to look the part when the time comes to sit your exams. And I use “the part” in an exclusively positive way. Despite how easy it can be to look presentable under time constraints, year after year I look around in despair at the people seated around me. Or worse still, I find myself distracted mid-exam by the way they’re dressed. It is with these situations in mind, that I present you with some typical exam profiles to absolutely avoid at all costs, and looks that you can achieve easily in a few minutes, without interfering with your precious cramming. Don’t worry, no thanks is necessary, although anything chocolate covered will be hastily and gratefully received.Forget the tracksuits: Guys and gals in the tracksuits paired with gigantic hoodies/jerseys/gym tops/runners, I have one question for each of you; why?! Unless you’re planning on jumping around in the Mardyke for a few hours straight after the exam, there is no excuse for what you’re wearing. I know most people are stuck for time on exam days and those ‘fat man pants’ might have been conveniently “lying around” and yes, they may be comfortable. Still. They look untidy and make you look like an unprepared slob. Anyway, it gets so humid in exam halls; wearing a tracksuit for three hours in that seems like a nightmare. Don’t do it to yourselves. A pair of jeans is just as accessible.Don’t make too much effort: Conversely, there is such a thing as making too much effort. Every year, I find myself distracted by the lovely hairstyles and garments of very attractive men and women. The time spent wondering where the girl across from me got her flattering dress, sparkly top or mini-skirt could be spent making progress in my exam.  Normally, I would never dream of complaining about such a thing, I enjoy looking at clothes and noticing how it fits in with the season’s trends. But it is the very last thing I want to see when I’m half way through a three-hour exam and will look for anything to distract me. Also, I know I said it gets warm in the exam hall but don’t take that at face-value to justify wearing a teeny tiny vest top that allows every one of your bits to hang out. I shouldn’t be looking but, for some reason, I can’t look away. And the clock’s ticking. I’m asking you now – please don’t distract me. Dress nicely, as you normally would. Don’t overdo it.Know when it’s appropriate to ‘suit up’: There was an article featured in the Fashion section a few weeks ago that put this very look into question but I think it’s worth mentioning once again. Guys in suits: I don’t understand where you think you’re going, but again, unless you have some very important interview/meeting/funeral scheduled straight after your exam, you look ridiculous. Although, even if you did have any of those aforementioned events scheduled, us fellow students wouldn’t know, so you still look ridiculous.Instead of turning towards one of the above extremes for comfort and convenience during exam time, look towards the trusty reliables you have depended on throughout the year. Trade in your tracksuit and ‘fat man pants’ for an oversized jumper and a pair of leggings or jeans. It’s still comfortable, still quick and easy to throw on but there’s one massive difference. It actually looks good. Oversized tops and jumpers are very much in fashion, so take advantage. Remember, as I previously mentioned, the room tends to heat up after a few hours so wear a cotton vest top or t-shirt underneath to allow your skin to breathe. Pair with some converse or comfy pumps to complete the casual but cool collegiate look. I normally wouldn’t be so empathic but if that oversized jumper just isn’t “casual” enough for you, wear a hoody. Only catch here is; make sure the hoody actually fits you i.e. isn’t your boyfriends or isn’t three sizes too big. Girls (or guys with long hair): keep your hair off your face by wearing it in a cute bun or high pony-tail.I’m well aware that sleep is sacred when it comes to the night before an exam but wake up twenty minutes early than scheduled. Use this time to make yourself presentable. Wash, shave, put on make-up; basically whatever your normal routine entails. Putting in this effort may actually wake you up, as well as making you feel fresh, more confident and ready to take on the day. If I can see people turn up to a 9a.m. lecture on a Monday morning looking fresh and awake wearing clothes accepted by the public domain, then there’s no excuse not to make a similar effort during exam time.


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