Editorial: A right to an Opinion is not an entitlement to it

It may sound like a contradiction but actually it is an important distinction that maybe we need to be more aware of in today’s world. When you form an opinion, or change an existing one you held, it is because you will have been exposed to new information which alters your view as it reasonable, logical and rationale. In short, every opinion is held because it remains consistent with the evidence from the real world. Thus no one can or should, I believe, be entitled to an opinion because in reality what that would be is a right to retain your opinion when it is shown or proven to be wrong, which by extension is a rejection of logic, reason, compelling argument a simple evidence. People who deny global warming or climate change are an excellent example: if one was to be entitled to an opinion it would actually restrict others from improving on an opinion and you would be restricting yourself from hearing new information, new evidence, new ideas and opinions.In a debate or a discussion no one would or should say “well I am entitled to my opinion” when they are defending the truth against a falsehood. It’s only really used as a “Get out of Jail” card when someone has lost an argument but is still refusing to change their mind or opinion, or consider the fact they may not be as informed on a topic as they thought they were. You can of course have your opinions, no one can take that away from you, but it does not mean you are entitled to have that opinion go unchallenged if or when expressed nor can you expect to be weighted equally as other opinions simply because you hold it or feel “entitled” to it, even though you are not. I’ll leave you with this quote from Eric Hirzel:

The strength of one's opinion should not exceed their knowledge on the matter.


Editorial - Can you hear us now?


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