Editorial | Byline Editor | Issue 6

So This Is Christmas (or mid-November)Issue 6, 17/11/2015, Xander CosgraveYes here it is, the last issue of this semester’s Byline, and what an issue it is. God, did I just say that? All this festive cheer in November must be getting to me.Well to get you to start getting ready for next term before this one is over, we have a fashion special so you know how to dress yourself for balls next term, thanks to our talented fashion editors, Jess and Kenneth.We’ve got other stuff too, an awesome article on browser games, written by yours truly, the Gaming editor is also looking for some female gamers to question about their experiences, so maybe check out that too. In Film, we’re looking at how mental health is portrayed on screen, while in Humour, Lauren makes fun of people who make the same jokes even though nobody’s laughing, like me. Music tells us about how Kanye shaped modern hip hop, which is probably a bit of a tired statement at this point considering how often he himself says it. In Fiction, Colm briefly runs us through what happened this year in theatre, for those of you who’ve only decided to pick up a copy during study week to avoid doing actual work. Fiction is literally across the page from this, you can’t miss it, so I won’t be patronising enough to tell you about that.I know, me not being patronising, weird. Look, I’m trying to turn over a new leaf, some sort of pre new year resolution. This mostly stems from a couple people pointing out that I probably need to be less of a snarky dick, and me figuring they’re probably right. That actually felt a bit gross to write, but there we go, some nice self awareness, or whatever it is when people call you a tool and you agree with them. Something something, Feel good comment. Look if you want to listen to more of my rambling, don’t forget to check out Express on air every Tuesday at 12, please, it’d be nice if our listenership went up to the double digits.Wait, is that it? Am I done now til January? Fantastic.


Editorial | Designer | Issue 6


Review: The VVitch