Editorial - Seeing the Good

I promised myself I wouldn’t let myself get stressed this year, that everything always ends up getting done, and the world won’t end if I say no a bit more, take on a little less, and relax occasionally, but lo and behold, it is Week 2, and I’m already back at it. Surprise, surprise. 2018 was meant to be the year of Michelle, the year of being my best self, but it’s January, and things have gone... less than according to plan. I’ve had 2 family funerals within a month. A stranger at one of the wakes told me these things happen in threes-  I really hope not. Anyway, life is short, I’ve gotten very good at shaking hands, and I’m trying to see the good whenever I can, wherever I can lately. You’ll see in this edition of the Express that UCC will be awarding 7 full scholarships for undergraduate courses next year to refugees and asylum seekers. This is hugely significant. Without this scheme, it is likely financial and societal obstacles would be too prohibitive for a truly deserving group of young people to attend university. Of course, there is always more to be done, not the least while the Direct Provision system continues, but it’s important to celebrate the milestones along the way, especially when they are as consequential as this. UCC STAR Society have been instrumental in achieving recognition for UCC as a University of Sanctuary. Their work collaborating with the Glucksman gallery to host creative programs for children in Cork living in Direct Provision is just one example of all the work they have done to improve the lives of people who truly know what it is to have so little and still carry on. T.S. Eliot once said, “For us, there is only the trying. The rest is not our business.” So keep trying. And keep seeing the good.


Editorial - My Dons Finesse it in Sweden


Editorial - The Times They Are a Changin’