Editorial - The power of Wakanda

So, as some may know and I’ve previously mentioned in an editorial, I am trying to watch as many new movies as I can in 2018 in order to keep up with what everyone's talking about online, and also just because I love going to the cinema. I love the excitement before going into the theatre: the popcorn, the drinks, the squeaky but cosy seats, and the fact that it’s a rare excuse to turn off my phone and forget about assignments and work I should probably be doing instead. No matter what cinema it is, be it IMAX, 3D, whatever – I just love the experience.So over the weekend I took a break from everything and went to see the latest movie Marvel has to offer, ‘Black Panther’, and I’m going to use this editorial this week for a short little review, and to urge everyone that hasn’t already seen it to give it a chance, even if you’re not the biggest Marvel or superhero fan. Unlike other Marvel offerings, this is not a film where you have to have seen the previous movie in the collection, or one that’s spoiled by not being up to date. There is one link between it and a previous movie, but that is within the first 15 minutes and it’s all explained well.I’m not going to try explain the plot, as there is so many twists and turns, and I would inevitably find myself making a mistake somewhere, but let me tell you this with confidence: it’s a fantastic movie. The character of Erik Killmonger is one of the most fleshed out and multi-dimensional characters the Marvel Cinematic Universe has ever seen. The vision, determination and dedication it must have taken actor Michael B. Jordan to execute such a role is unimaginable.Director and co-writer Ryan Coogler has done a fantastic job here. At only 31 years old he is the youngest director to direct a Marvel movie, and with the film having a budget of $200 Million, it has already raked in $361 Million in 2 weeks alone. It’s set to be one of the biggest movies of the year, and we’re only in February. It’s beautifully shot, the script plays into the African dialect to such a degree that conversations never seem forced or unwarranted. There isn’t a scene without a meaning, a shot without a reason or a character who you can deem unnecessary.As all of you should know, it’s a film containing a cast of majority black actors and actresses, a demographic that is often underrepresented in Hollywood. For this film to be such a major success says a lot about the power that this community has, and is certain to pave the way for more films of this ilk. There is a political element to the movie, with the villain wanting to use Wakanda’s vast amount of Vibranium (strongest metal and power source in the world – in Marvel’s world anyway) to help the black community across the world to fight back against the oppression they face every day, but this never becomes an overtly political film.It’s already breaking box-office records across the world, and I would urge everyone to go and see it. It’s entertaining, the CGI is incredible, the story is fantastic and the acting is as close to perfection as you can find. It truly is a force of nature.


Last Week in History (February 26th-March 2nd)


Editorial - Laggard