EU Commission Representation to host seminar in UCC | Loran Gardiner

     In cooperation with the European Movement Ireland, the European Commission Representation in Ireland plans to host a seminar on ‘European Economic Policy – What’s in it for Ireland?’ during the coming weeks in UCC.

     The seminar is one of a series of public events being hosted nationwide this year. Featuring presentations from local and national economic and political figures, the event will provide attendees with an opportunity to hear from experts on European economic affairs, voice opinions and ask any questions they may have about the current economic situation.

     The public seminar series is timely given the current state of the economy. Recent figures released by the Central Statistics Office reveal that employment in Ireland is down by 1.8% in the second quarter of the year, despite up to 40,000 young Irish people emigrating during this year alone. Such figures fuel debate and discussion on EU membership which usually boils down to one of two solutions; leave the European Union and rebuild ourselves independently or sit tight with our European counterparts and weather the storm.

     In such a climate, seminars and conferences such as the one planned to take place in UCC are more relevant. Having been involved in several successful conferences on European issues, Dr. Emmanuelle Schön – Quinlivan of the Government Department in UCC believes that people who attend such events ‘Are grateful to be given a voice and exchange or challenge experts. The overwhelming majority of participants would confess that they learnt something new at the conference and that it has changed their approach in some way.’

     Congruently, the newly founded  UCC Europa society believes that, ‘The benefits of such conferences are that they help to create more informed citizens which as a result helps us to have more effective debates on European issues, which is especially relevant in a country that regularly holds referendums on European issues.’ In brief, events like this can provide the public with the sense of possessing a vital voice, purpose and knowledge regarding these uncertain times, through an exchange of thoughts and ideas.

     ‘European economic policy – What’s in it for Ireland?’ takes place in UCC on 2nd October 2012, at 6.30 to 8.30 in Boole 4. Speakers will include John Mullins, Group Chief Executive, Bord Gáis, Seamus Coffey, lecturer in Economics, UCC and Nigel Nagarajan, Resident Advisor, Economic and Financial Affairs, European Commission. To reserve a place at this free seminar, email or call 01 662 5815.


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