Express Food: Breakfast Special Edition

Porridge (for those that don’t like porridge)

Ciara Dinneen, Features EditorIt’s almost a cultural phenomenon at this stage; the wonders of porridge. Parents and grandparents harp on about how it is the healthiest, the absolute best thing to have for breakfast. It sets you right up for the day, so they say. And they are right; porridge is a great breakfast. It is greatly substantial and nutritious, and you can make it in so many different ways, so it’s hard to argue that you don’t like porridge, because if you don’t like it one way you might like it another. I, for example, insisted that I did not like porridge at all up until I was 17. But one morning, after starting off on one of the many health kicks I’ve attempted, I decided to give porridge another go. I added about half a teaspoon of cinnamon (sounds like an awful lot I know, but I love me some cinnamon) and after mixing that in well I sprinkled over some brown sugar for a bit of sweetness and voila, a gorgeous, subtly sweet, nutritious, warm, and cinnamon-y start to the day.So, I was converted. But then there’s the effort of making porridge; it isn’t as quick and easy as pouring a bowl of cereal and adding milk. But it could be, if you’re smart about it. Here’s what you do;

  • Soak your porridge oats overnight. Add however much you want (I usually have about 5 to 6 tablespoons of oats) into a pot, with enough milk so that the oats are all covered (really it depends on how runny you like your porridge), and leave the pot in the fridge overnight.
  • Remember you can use whatever milk you like; dairy, almond, coconut, soya - whichever you prefer, and whichever you think will go best with your toppings!
  • As for the actual cooking time, again it depends on how much milk you’ve got in there and how runny you like your porridge. Have it slowly cooking on a low heat, stirring often, and you’ll know when it’s done; it will start to bubble when it reaches the point of being ready.

Once you have your porridge made, the fun begins. You can literally add whatever toppings you feel like adding to your porridge. Here are just a few ideas you can try to get the ball rolling:

  • Keep it simple by drizzling honey or maple syrup over your porridge for a delicious sweet kickstart to the day. You could add a sprinkle of seeds or crushed nuts.
  • Using almond milk, add some dashes of cinnamon and mix it in well, then sprinkle some brown sugar
  • Make your porridge with coconut milk, and protein if you want what they’re calling in the fitness world “proats” meaning “protein oats”, and then top with Chia seeds
  • Mix in some chocolate protein powder into your porridge, and then top with a spoon of almond butter, or Nutella, or maybe both, as well as some raspberries, either fresh or frozen, and a handful of crushed nuts.

The possible combinations are endless. You’re bound to find one that you like and can make for yourself on those long-day mornings; it’ll set you right up. 

French Toast (or eggy bread if you have to be like that)

Robert O’Sullivan, Editor-in-ChiefWhat if you’re done with all the healthy fads and just want something yummy for breakfast...and lunch...and shit, maybe even dinner? Or maybe you just want to make a nice morning treat for the person you pulled from Havanas to make them think you can actually cook? French Toast is the classic brekkie treat that isn’t pancakes or waffles. You may be reading this thinking “what dickhead doesn’t know how to make French Toast?” but really think about it: when was the last time you really did this yourself, and not just ordered it in Liberty Grill?Here’s what you’ll need: bread (natch), butter, eggs, cinnamon (powder), a dish, a bowl or jug, a whisk, a spatula and a frying pan. Feel free to add whatever toppings here, I recommend golden/maple syrup or Nutella (for bonus style points, feel free to grate some chocolate over the toast). If you want to get fancy with it, swap the bread for something like brioche. Start by cracking the eggs into the bowl or jug. I generally use three eggs, two whole eggs and one with just the white of the egg. To crack an egg without adding the yoke, crack it in the middle (of the longer side) and pour the yoke back-and-forth between each half, allowing the white to drip down. Add some milk, generally enough so it looks like a 50/50 mix between milk and eggs from above. Then whisk the milk & eggs together (if you don’t have a whisk, a fork will work fine). Fun fact, at this stage you essentially have just scrambled egg mix, which is why I opt to add a dash of cinnamon here (and mix again). Next I would suggest you lightly toast the bread (it shouldn’t be brown at all). Put the lightly toasted bread in a dish, and pour some of the mix over it. Make sure to flip the slice over while it soaks so it’s evenly coated. Don’t let it get too soggy though. Heat some butter on the pan, and when it’s melted, throw your egg-soaked bread on. Turn the bread every-so-often til it’s golden brown (and clearly cooked). Et voila, picture-perfect French Toast.


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