“Gorm Chónaí Ábhar”

Íomhá de fhear ag máirseáil le léine a rug seamraig leis an téacs "Gorm Chónaí Ábhar" thíos. Má tá tú ag fanacht ar shiúl ó pholaitíocht Mheiriceá sna blianta beaga anuas, b'fhéidir nach mbeadh a fhios agat ar an ngrúpa Black Lives Matter. Is grúpa é Black Lives Matter, nó BLM, go bhfuil agóidí i gcoinne an ráta díréireach ag a bhfuil na daoine póilíneacha / Afraic-Mheiriceánach lámhaigh agus maraíodh na póilíní ar fud na Stát Aontaithe. Mar fhreagra air sin, tá tús curtha le roinnt daoine a fhógairt go bhfuil 'Blue Lives Matter', ag tagairt do na héide gorm a bhíonn ag póilíní de ghnáth sna Stáit Aontaithe. D'éileodh go leor go n-éireodh leis an ngrúpa 'Blue Lives Matter' go hiomlán pointe an BLM bunaidh, agus d'éileodh go leor go n-éireodh formhór na ndaoine a fhógairt go bhfuil 'Áiseanna Gormacha' ann ar chúiseanna níos lú ná mar gheall orthu.Bímid ag bogadh ar shiúl ón bpolaitíocht atá taobh thiar den léine, agus féach na focail ar an léine. Tá a fhios ag duine ar bith a bhí riamh le teanga a fhoghlaim nó téacs a aistriú ó theanga amháin go ceann eile go bhfuil cuid mhór den phost ag baint le brí. Ní féidir leat babhtáil díreach ar gach focal ar a choibhéis foclóir. Ar cheann amháin, tá struchtúr abairtí Gaeilge go hiomlán difriúil don Bhéarla, agus tá fadhb ann i gcónaí ag aistriú idiom. Chuaigh an bhlag 'The Geeky Irishoir' tríd na ceisteanna go leor leis an léine seo go hiontach, agus mar sin déan cinnte go ndéanfaidh tú Amharc ar TheGeekyGaeilgeoir.WordPress.com.Is é an rud is géire faoin léine seo ná má thuigeann tú go bhfuil 'Ábhar' ábhar, ní an briathar 'to matter', agus ciallaíonn 'Chónaí' le beo, ní an 'beatha' ainmfhocal, go bhfuil an abairt ' Tá Gorm Chónaí Ábhar 'níos gaire do' Black Lives Matter 'ná mar a bhí i gceist agam.--An image of a man marching with a t-shirt that bore a shamrock with the text “Gorm Chónaí Ábhar” below it. If you’ve been staying away from American politics for the last few years, you may be unaware of the Black Lives Matter group. Black Lives Matter, or BLM, is a group that protests against the disproportionate rate at which black/African-American people are shot & killed by the police throughout the United States. In response, some people have begun proclaiming that ‘Blue Lives Matter’, referring to the blue uniforms police typically wear in the US. Many would claim that the ‘Blue Lives Matter’ group completely misunderstands the point of the original BLM, and many would also claim that the majority of people who proclaim that ‘Blue Lives Matter’ do it for less than valorous reasons.Let’s move away from the politics behind the shirt, and look at the words on the shirt. Anyone who’s ever had to learn a language or translate a text from one language to another knows that a large part of the job is inferring meaning. You can’t just swap out each word for its dictionary equivalent. For one, sentence structure in Irish is completely different to English, and there’s always a problem translating idioms. The blog ‘The Geeky Gaeilgeoir’ went through the many issues with this shirt amazingly well, so be sure to check out TheGeekyGaeilgeoir.WordPress.com.The most hilarious thing about this shirt is that, if you ignore that ‘Ábhar’ means subject, not the verb ‘to matter’, and that ‘Chónaí’ means is to live, not the noun ‘lives’, is that the phrase ‘Gorm Chónaí Ábhar’ is a lot closer to ‘Black Lives Matter’ than what I think was intended.


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