Higher Education Institutions moved to Level-3 as Irish Universities Association release a statement detailing plans for the academic year

The Irish government requested on September 25th that all university lectures should be delivered online for the next 2-3 weeks moving third-level institutions to Level 3 of the Covid-19 alert framework, commencing at midnight. The Irish Universities Association released a statement detailing measures that universities across the country will put into place in light of the current situation regarding Covid-19. Announcing the new measures, Minister for Further and Higher Education Simon Harris spoke about the “critical juncture” faced in the next two to three weeks in the progression of this virus. He acknowledged the “robust plans and protective measures” put in place by the higher education sector up until this point. “However, at the request of the Department of Health, it has been agreed to introduce enhanced protective measures across the country to ensure safe continuation or beginning of the academic term.”All Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are enhancing their restrictions in line with the public health measures introduced in third level institutions around Dublin city and county last week. The IUA acknowledges that the safety of students and staff has always been a priority in the fight against Covid-19 and it has committed to bring forward measures to limit the movement of individuals across the country for the next 2-3 weeks.Provisions made in this statement include: 

  • A greater focus on remote learning during this period. 
  • The suspension of on-campus clubs or societal events until further notice.
  • Enhanced safety measures at the discretion of the university relating to wearing of face masks in certain settings. 
  • On-campus will be limited to small tutorials and first year orientation, providing that it is on a staggered basis and follows public health guidelines. 
  • University libraries will remain open with strict social distancing protocols and entry registration, however, research will continue as before.

The new measures announced today will have an impact on the plans for the academic year for many HEIs across the country.UCC has been preparing to welcome students back to campus for a number of weeks and have put comprehensive public health measures in place across the main campus and their multiple satellite campuses. Numerous signs have been put in place across campus detailing the new Covid-19 procedures across campus. A dedicated Covid-19 web page on the UCC website has all the relevant material for students and staff who are returning to college this year which can be found at https://www.ucc.ie/en/emt/covid19/


UCC goes online as universities move to Level 3 of COVID-19 National Plan


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