I Forgot How to Write...Again.

Breathe it in, that September air, the smell of freshly cut grass, coffee and.... umm.... vodka.For many of you, the latter is all you would have smelled over the past couple of weeks butguess what sister, it’s now time to smell that coffee!It’s been a sunny summer for once but now that the tan has worn off, (the natural one anyway)it’s back to business. Well sort of. It never fails to surprise me of my inability to write on paperafter a long break, but nevertheless it happened again. At least I gave it a go anyway, ratherthan sitting back and hoping the lecture notes went up on Blackboard. That’s probably the litmustest really. If you can be bothered to write and your writing doesn’t look like a squiggly mess,you’re most likely back in the college groove.At this early stage that’s most likely the best that you can aim for as quickly as possible, as sillyas it sounds. Getting back into a rhythm or routine is vital for a successful college life, especiallyfor all the post-Leaving Cert folk. Nobody here is going to constantly push you or make sureyou’re studying, you’ve only got yourself to rely on for that. At the end of the day most of you willbe more than fine, so enjoy this time while you can and remember that the key to doing wellhere at UCC is......to always read the University Express.


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