Independents Slump As Parties Regain Support

A poll published today for the Sunday Independent by Milward Brown has seen support for Independents slump 10 points since the General Election. Support for Independents is at an 8% a low not seen in Milward Brown polling since September 2013.In contrast the political parties have seen their position improve since General Election, Fine Gael are up four to 30%, Fianna Fail up two to 26% while Sinn Fein are six to 20%.The change in support from Independents to the parties is likely a reflection of the Independent TDs' support of and part in the current Government.

Party Support (%) +/-
Fine Gael 30 +4
Fianna Fail  26 +2
 Sinn Fein 20 +6
Labour 7 -
Greens 3 -
Social Democrats 2 -1
Independents 8 -10

The poll of 1,000 face-to-face interviews was taken between 18th & 29th JuneDespite the increase in support for Fine Gael, An Taoiseach Enda Kenny remains the most unpopular leader in the poll with only 27% approval, while Government approval is at 28%. This will be a number watched closely over the coming months & indeed years as people come to terms with the Independents in Government.(See also: The Government: Who are They?)Fianna Fail's Michael Martin continues on as the most popular leader with 43% approval.Gerry Adams of Sinn Fein has a 31% approval rating while new Labour leader Brendan Howlin starts his leadership with 27%, which is an improvement on Joan Burton's approval rating of 22%.The poll also found that Sinn Fein is the most transfer-toxic party in the state with 40% of respondents saying they would never vote for the party. Fine Gael was next highest on 35%, followed by Labour on 28%, Fianna Fail on 25%, Green Party on 18% Anti-Austerity Alliance/People Before Profit on 17%, Socialist Party on 16%, and Social Democrats on 8%.


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