Interview with Heather of Pale Waves

Initially you started as a band called Creek. You then changed the name of your groupto Pale Waves, how did you come up with it?Ummm….it took a long time to plan and we were looking for different kinds of inspirationsfor the name. In the end we were inspired by a painting my grandmother did so we found itwhere we weren’t really looking for it.Every interviewer is curious about this but who would you consider to be your greatestinfluences in the music industry?Robert SmithThere have been many high points for Pale Waves over the past few years, which onewould you consider to be the peak of your career so far?I would say releasing our album, we felt more like a professional band. When you can walkinto a shop and see your face on the cover of CDs it’s a pretty surreal experience.Since we are living in what can be considered the digital age, how do you feel theinternet has affected the music industry, if at all?Oh massively, the world has become obsessed with the internet and things such as socialmedia and Spotify. It’s helped us put our music all around the world.What was your initial reaction to the acclaim your first single under Dirty Hit ‘There’sa Honey’ received in April 2017?Amazing, everyone was demanding the album.Your first album ‘My Mind Makes Noises’ was released last Friday, congratulations onthat. Songs from is such as ‘Noises’ talk about issues such as body image that are verytopical in the world today. Was there any particular inspiration for these songs?The songs are about me, I had dealt with some of these issues and I put them into my songs. Ibenefited from the experience of writing them.In some reviews of your music you have been compared to 80’s legends such as BelindaCarlisle and Pat Benatar (SLUG Magazine). Would you consider these to be a truthfulreviews of your music?Yes, they are artists from the 80s era. We grew up with the 80’s and we bring that back in ourmusic.Is there anyone that stands out in your mind to having helped you to achieve the successyou enjoy today?Definitely our managersEvery band would hope to impact the music industry in some shape or form. Whatimpact do you feel Pale Waves has left on the music industry so far?We are a band that helps people feel comfortable with themselves, the people that come up atour shows. We attract certain group of people, they can be who they want to be.Pale Waves won the Under The Radar award at the VO5 NME Awards this year andwas ranked 5 th in the BBC Sound of 2018 poll. Back at the genesis of this group in 2014did you ever dream you would achieve this kind of success?Well we hoped so, people do when they start as young musicians, then you find people whoappreciate what you do.You supported The 1975 on their North American tour. Do you feel you learnedanything from that experience?Yes, it was our first time on tour and our first time in time in America. We played massivevenues and gained experience from that.Things the ordinary person can only dream about I’d imagine.YesAnd finally I’m sure people are curious to know, what are your plans for the future ofthe band?Write more music and record more music and also expand the Pale Waves label.


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