Ireland Calls for UCC Powerlifter

UCC Medicine Student, and Express Fashion Editor, Kenneth Nwaezeigwe has been called up to the Irish Powerlifting team. The 22 year-old underwent trials in Athlone this September before receiving the call to lift for the Boys in Green.Speaking on the announcement, a cheerful Kenneth was ecstatic about the call-up, commenting that: “I'm excited and honoured by the opportunity. It's been a goal of mine for quite a while to compete at a higher level in powerlifting and being on the national squad in the Irish Powerlifting Federation will allow me to do just that”Kenneth quickly explained to us the dynamics of the sport and his daily workout routine:“Powerlifting consists of 3 main lifts, the Squat, the bench press and the Deadlift. I train 4 times a week in the gym and I’m currently running a training program designed by world renowned strength coach Boris Sheiko. The programme was recommended by my teammate, and Munster Regional Assistant Coach, Dan Hurley: I train bench press 4 days a week doing variations on the movement; I train squat 2 days a week and deadlift also 2 days a week.My main exercises centre around the 3 powerlifts. I also then have accessory exercises to strengthen muscles which would increase my ability to lift more weight on these lifts and also to do them effectively.”Accompanying this routine is a strict diet which Kenneth was not hesitant to divulge with us: “Diet is structured around when I'm training or not. I eat to increase energy levels and maintain size at my weight class. Since I come from a sprinting background I lose weight rather quickly. On training days, in off-season, my diet consists of medium carbs, high proteins and low fats, to keep energy levels & muscle utilisation of carbs optimal. On non-training days carbs are low, good fats are high and protein is also high, to promote muscle repair & fat breakdown”All of us at the UCC Express would like wish our colleague Kenneth Nwaezeigwe the very best of luck with his future endeavours with the Irish Powerlifting team.


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