Keeping Up With Your S.U. - Q&A

Here it is folks, what SU election candidates have been saying in their manifestos for years, a monthly SU Q&A in the Express. This year we are really focusing on transparency and an open door policy and what better way to kill two birds with one stone than to have a monthly Q&A. As this was our first, our questions came through the means of the lovely ‘ask me a question’ feature on instagram stories. When are the student councils? Starting off simple, our first student council will be on October 24th with a room yet to be confirmed but if you follow our Student Council facebook page we will be posting more details for each council as they come up. Which officer REALLY has the STI from the 1 in 6?I’m not one for revealing secrets, but whichever officer it is (Dave) should know that there is nothing to be ashamed of, if you think you have an STI just go get tested in student health for free and get the treatment you need. How was Plastic Free Week and what effects will it have on the larger greener efforts of the university?Plastic Free Week was certainly difficult because plastic is everywhere, but it wasn’t impossible. Lush was a lifesaver and there was a severe lack of crisps in all of our lives for the week but we still survived. In terms of the wider impact, we have now started a petition to get UCC to pledge to go plastic free and after showing through our own experience that it’s possible to go plastic free we hope this will have a positive impact on the outcome of the petition. Is Docklands happening?/Are you doing something like docklands this year?/What’s the story with docklands?/When is docklands? If anything has come from this Q&A session it’s that we know everyone wants to know about Docklands and whether or not it’s happening. Dave was working hard all summer to have another Docklands but unfortunately as Oktoberfest Beag never got their license all of his work went to waste. He’s now working on trying to get something else in place but there’s nothing finalised yet, just keep an eye on our social media and we’ll keep you updated. That’s it from us for this week, if you have anything that you want to hear about for next month you can email me at or follow us on instagram @uccsu and watch out for our next question time. Until then, your Deputy President & Campaigns Officer, Kelly.  


Time for some Proper 12?


Comment: Questions Surround Security Following Protest Disruption