Welcome to Our New Team Members!

By News Editor David Twomey

Hey everyone, and welcome back to the UCC Express. Now in our second issue of the new year, the Express is delighted to announce a growth in our staff.

A warm welcome to our new Social Media Manager Robyn, and new writers on the team, reporters Amelia, Jack, and Anna and News Deputy Editor Marc. Make sure to check out their first articles; with Amelia’s report on the psychology of psychopaths, and Marc’s article on Ireland’s refuge housing and its effect on the anti-immigration debate, the expansion of the News team will see an extra article every issue. This week, I’ve focused both articles on Palestine. For the semester, my two articles will try to be on a related topic. The first is a great discussion with IPSC Media Officer Brian Ó Éigeartaigh on the current pro-Palestinian movement in Ireland, alongside an article with interviews from Al-Arroub refugee camp from the outskirts of Hebron, West Bank.

I had planned to base this editorial about a The Zone of Interest which has stayed in my mind for the last month after seeing it in the cinema, a film that tops my list of any I have seen in the past few months (including Wonka),  Due to my inability to keep it within a paragraph, my brief synopsis and viewing experience quickly became a rant which I had to edit down into an article, so feel free to read the first movie review by a News Editor in 2024.

As my first full issue as News Editor, I’d like to thank the incredible Cormac for his brilliant writing who recently stepped away from the paper.



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