Making the Most of a Quarter-Life Crisis

By News Editor Cormac McCarthy

Welcome back. It’s good to be back. Summer can be quite like a hot bubble bath. While it’s nice and lovely for a time, eventually you’ll start to prune and yearn for normality again. 

It is good to be back, you know. Despite what the nervousness or September jitters may say. As projects set in and the inevitable stress of it all starts to bake away, just remember that your job isn’t just to improve UCC’s position on the global college academics list. Have some fun. Take next Tuesday evening off to bake a bun and to do your hair in a way that would cause a newspaper scandal in the 1960s. 

What makes young adulthood so daunting for so many people is identifying with who we are and who we would like to be. The constant to-and-fro makes for a consternating time but that’s exactly why college is here. It’s best to have your breakdown when you don’t have any money to potentially lose in the interim. At least, that’s what my grandfather always told me. 

Find your like-minded conspirators and conspire with them. Here, there have been friendships built on both a hatred, a love as well as an ambivalence towards Phoebe Bridgers. Find the people that galvanize you. It’s far too easy to coast through this depression session at our age.  

It’s half the reason all of us here at the University express do what we do, simply because we can’t find anywhere else that will let us wax lyrical for 1000 or so words about topics as niche as the works of Steve Jackson or how the resurgence of the popularity of gemstones. It’s an environment like no other. It’s why it’s my third year writing here. 

So good luck and, whatever you do, don’t make this the skippable chapter in the book of your life. 


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