National Climate Strike Action planned for 20th September

School Strikes for Climate have announced their plans for Ireland’s participation in the GlobalClimate Strike, set to take place on Friday 20th September. The times and meet-up locations forten marches, including one in Cork, have been announced for young people and their families tostrike out of school and protest under the slogan, “It’s an emergency, act like it”.“On September 20th we hope to empty schools and workplaces and fill the streets with peopledemanding our Government take climate action more seriously. Our house is on fire- let’s actlike it,” said Áine O’Gorman, Activism Support Coordinator with the Stop Climate ChaosCoalition. "We've had a great response to our call for people to organize local actions in supportof the school strikes and our volunteers are ready to help anyone who wants to get involved intheir community or workplace."The next strike comes in anticipation of the UN Climate Summit 2019, which Leo Varadkar willbe attending just three days afterwards. The UN Climate Summit 2019 is the successor of theParis Agreement, and is likely to influence climate law and policy worldwide. Youth movementshave proven instrumental in the politics around climate change, with “Youth engagement” one ofthe items to be discussed during the international summit.School Strikes for Climate, spearheaded by Greta Thurnberg, has drawn huge publicityworldwide to the issue of climate change. The last Climate Strike in March saw about 15,000Irish young people call for government action on climate change, and 1.5 million internationally.Greta Thurnberg has called upon adults to join the strikes this time, saying, “We need everyone,to change everything.”“I know young people can and do change the world… Many of you are anxious and fearful forthe future, and I understand your concerns and your anger,” said UN Secretary-General AntónioGuterres in response to the March protests.Climate action has been picking up in Cork, with activist groups forming and growing inresponse to the recent discourse. Earth Strike and Cork Climate Action have both announcedtheir support of the climate strike, as well as pushing forward their own events; last week,Extinction Rebellion Cork defaced the Port of Cork sign by the quays with a “Port of CO2” sign.An alert text was sent out to Cork residents, informing them to be wary of traffic blockages onthe 20th.The Cork protestors are set to gather on Grand Parade at 12.00pm. Information on organisedstrikes can be found at


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