New Name, Who’s This?

Welcome to the new look, new feel University Express, and welcome back to UCC. While the rest of you were away in Vancouver (as half of Cork was) and volunteering in schools abroad, we here at the University Express have been hard at work putting the finishing touches to our newly designed newspaper, all for your reading pleasure. You’re welcome.One of the biggest changes we’ve made (though it may not seem a lot to some people) is change our name. We still use the same website, but all of our social media and mailing addresses have been changed. We really hope you like it, and if at some point in the future we get an overriding consensus that the old name was better, then we may change it back, but until then you’re stuck with the University Express.So, what have we got for you for this issue? Well, we’ve got three interviews across the paper for you to dive straight into. Our first, written by our new News Editor Ciaran Dineen, is with Cork Discus thrower Niamh McCarthy, who recently won Gold in the European Paralympic Championship in Berlin. Our Features editor, Fergal Smiddy, got a chance to chat with Irish YouTuber Thomas Arnold about both the positive and negative effects of Social Media and Arnold’s own YouTubing career, while our Byline Editor, Ciara Dineen, got a chance to sit down with Tullamore native Bee from the band Chasing Abbey.Elsewhere, we have a fantastic piece about why volunteering abroad may seem like a great idea, but in fact cause more harm than it’s worth, both to you and the community you support. We also have the latest on the Declan Rice saga, an investigation into why science-fiction movies are oft forgotten come award season, and some college fashion advice. Thank you very much for taking the time to pick up and read some of the finest thoughts of UCC’s finest writers, hopefully the new name doesn’t scare you off!Cailean Coffey


Everything Is Awful


A chat with Bee (Jonathan), from the Tullamore Trio Chasing Abbey.