Oh My My - What an Album!

If you’re a slightly obsessed OneRepublic fan like I am, you are going to absolutely love their new album ‘Oh My My’, which was released on October 7th. I immediately got my hands on the album once it became available and wasted no time, spending most of that day blaring the unbelievable musical talent of OneRepublic throughout my entire house… probably driving my family absolutely mad in the meantime, but it was definitely worth it!The album celebrates the 10-year anniversary of the band’s beginnings, which started with their first hit ‘Apologize’. This is, without a doubt, a track that we all remember, and one that smothered the airwaves for weeks after its release. What makes this new album even more special is the fact that it was recorded while the band were on a world tour, meaning some songs were recorded in places like Tokyo, Milan, Sweden and Berlin, while others were of course recorded in the UK. This just demonstrates how skilful this Coldplay/U2 reminiscent band is; I can only imagine how challenging it must have been to compose new music while rehearsing & performing at the same time. We can definitely see various cultural influences being integrated into the album, with French-DJ duo Cassius’ bass lines dominating the titular track ‘Oh My My’ and Peter Gabriel’s unique touch clearly visible in the amazing sounds of ‘AI’.What’s more is that it is an extremely positive album, capturing the essence of childhood, highlighting the delights and excitement we experience as children, while also looking forward to a bright future ahead. For me, the twenty songs featured in this album - without being too philosophical -  explain what being human is all about, intertwining both the struggles & fulfilment we encounter in life through the lyrics and music, and I believe what makes this so-called ‘real’ or ‘proper’ music is its ability to convey a significant message or meaning, while simultaneously demonstrating an interesting & varied musical capacity. This album, then, is certainly something to praise, for managing to filter both these elements through its quirks, soaring choruses, and its pulsing guitar & staccato vocal arrangements.To conclude, I would highly recommend this album to anyone, as there is a huge amount of pleasure to be sought from doing so – you won’t regret it, I promise!


Make Pasta, like, three ways; because you love pasta.


It’s all in the Swing States