On a Personal Note

When my chapter with the University Express began as Deputy Features Editor I wrote, ‘use meas inspiration. Or keep reading to see if my inspirational journey turns to shit.’ I am happy to saythat I highly doubt anyone has used me as inspiration, and that if my journey has turned to shit,it is unicorn shit. My role in the Express has blossomed into my college routine: write for theExpress, read the Express, advertise the Express, repeat.My plan for the 2019-2020 Features section is to develop on the foundations of honest,informative writing my Features predecessors have laid out. The direction I believe Features willtake this year will depend on the tone this new academic year takes. Ultimately, the core of thesection will step away from the news of the world and focus more on campus, Irish issues andpersonalities.Joining Features is my chosen Deputy, Molly O’Rourke, a final year student, blogger and all-around great person.But this section does not end with Molly and me. Features is about every voice on campus. It isa safe place for writers of any kind to test the waters and exercise their crafts. If you have anywork, ideas or comments send them to features@uccexpress.ie.


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