One Deal, Four Meals - €10 | Collegedinners

So third week in already and it feels like you’ve been here a lifetime (but in a good way!) You’ve studied the flyers and sussed out the best student venues, liked at least a hundred new people on Facebook, joined a dozen societies and as many clubs and, oh yes, you’re eating well too which definitely helps when you’ve got a big day (and night…) ahead.  So apart from a few slips (well learning curves can be steep...), you’re managing this living on a budget lark quite well.I remember my own college days (ah the good old days…sigh) -  I lived at home at the time and I remember leaving my pals in their rented house, tinkering with a borrowed “coloured” portable TV…it took ages to work out why all the programmes (all 2 of them) were in black n white (Mick’s uncle told him that he had a coloured portable for him – Well he didn’t lie, it was red…) As I left, the lads were sitting on the couch, tucking into cold beans out of the tin with their forks and the only thought that I had as I headed home for my lamb stew was…these guys are so…. lucky!!!Things have moved on since those days and while tinned beans will continue to be a student staple, the team at Collegedinners would like to up the ante on that one. For those of you who are not yet aware of our service, we deliver fresh ingredients to 8 different locations around UCC. These ingredients can be quickly transformed (by you) into 4 (one for every day of your student week) simple, tasty and student friendly meals in minutes! Our website tells you exactly how to cook each one, step by step, pinch by pinch, stir by stir. And all this can be yours for an incredible €10 a week. And that’s delivered to your door without the hassle of going to the supermarket, buying too much veg and never using it (hey we all have great intentions) or hauling half the frozen food aisle home in the rain…The Collegedinners meal deals are all portioned exactly for one person so you get just what you need.  Menus change every week too so there’s no getting bored with the same food, and the addition of beans to your meal is entirely up to you.Right then, down to business, let’s get dinner started. Our motto is quick and tasty, with no fuss and a great result. The main ingredients are all listed below and the store cupboard items (such as cooking oil and herbs) are things you will need over and over so it’s a good idea to buy these in bulk if possible so you have them to hand anytime. Ok, you’re all set: today’s featured recipe is…(yummy)Pepper Pork Chop with Roasted Veg(Prep:10 mins / Cook: 45 mins) What you need1 Peppered Pork Chop1 Apple (peeled & quartered (seeds removed)2 Potatoes (washed/cut into wedges)1 Carrot (peeled/washed/cut into strips)1 Parsnip (peeled/washed/cut into strips)Clove of Garlic (peeled & finely chopped)Store CupboardGlug of Oil1 tablespoon Mixed HerbsDollop of mayo (optional) How to make it

  1. Preheat the oven to 190C/gas mark 5.
  2. Put the potatoes, carrots, parsnip, oil and chopped garlic into a bowl and add your oil and mixed herbs.
  3. Mix well to ensure all veg is coated with oil and herbs and place all items on a baking tray.
  4. Place your peppered pork chop at the side of tray and place your quartered apple around pork, cover with tin foil (if you have it) and bake for approx. 45 minutes.
  5. Remove all the items from the baking tray and serve immediately.

ResultSimple and Delicious - yummy!!Our Top-TipEnjoy with a dollop of Mayo!!!So there you have it, our first recipe. A great one to start with and guaranteed to satisfy any appetite. Try it out, make it your own & add a personal touch. Experimentation is part of the college experience!If you like this one, then check out our website and try some of our other featured recipes…there’s sure to be one that tickles your taste buds…Happy Cooking and have a great week!! 


The God of TV | Chris Redmond


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