Operation Transformation UCC: Week Three | Heather Steele

operation transformationUCC Operation Transformation is now into its third week and the leaders are continuing to make real changes in their lives and health. With R&G week this week we might not all be feeling our healthiest. In his weekly all students email, Dr Michael Byrne urged all students to demonstrate their support for the leaders by messaging them or commenting on the UCC health matters Facebook page.As the third week came it could have been easy for the leaders and those following the programme to become less motivated and abandon the plan. However, the progress of the leaders has gained some real momentum this week. One of the youngest leaders, James Keane, has lost over one stone in only three weeks and is now exercising more than ever which is a great achievement. Karen Riordan also had a successful week and over the three weeks has now lost half a stone and completed 6.8km of exercise. One of the staff leaders, David O’ Sullivan, has started writing his own blog as a source of inspiration to anyone who may be following the programme with him.On Thursday the 7th of February, UCC Operation Transformation held their first big outdoor event at lunchtime on the Brookfield campus. It was led by the School of Nursing, and Claire and Alana from the Mardyke Arena and the leaders.  Alanna Mc Kenna and Claire Murphy are personal trainers from the Mardyke Arena. They have developed the personal exercise plans for the leaders and have been taking them through their paces using the world-class facilities in the Mardyke Arena. Also on Friday the 8th of February there was a second event for students and staff of a lunchtime walk on campus.Also as many students don’t have access to accurate weighing scales it means following the programme can be difficult as one cannot be sure what they actually weigh.  To combat this issue Aras na MacLeinn in conjunction with UCC Health Matters have provided a weigh-station and BMI checker which is free for all to use. This is to allow the wider University community to truly follow their chosen leader and undertake their own weekly weigh-ins and track their own progress.There are now over 4 weeks left, so there is still plenty of time for students and staff to still get involved. It might just be the cure for after R&G week. It’s now easier than ever with the weighing station in the student centre and healthy meals offered by the main restaurant.


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