Picture This – Picture This EP

A year ago Picture This didn’t even exist, but now they are one of the fastest growing bands in Ireland. The songwriting combination of Ryan Hennessy and Jimmy Rainsford has proved to be a storming success, with their very first single ‘Take My Hand’ flying up the Irish singles charts. Their debut EP, the “Picture This EP”, flew to number one on its first week of release. The EP itself is a very honest, very emotion-filled take on love and life in the 21st century. The emotional weight is undeniable, moving you to bang your feet & laughter, and then to staring out the window, wondering what you’ve done wrong in life. Their vocals intertwine as well as any two could, and while they do have pop clichés in the lyrics, it’s hardly noticeable, and is rare enough that it’s passable on a first EP. Most of the attention will be on the lead single, but the song that I feel will really stand to them will be ‘Let’s Be Young’, a song asking people to forget technology and have a good time without it. What does the future hold? Only time will tell - but things can only get better from here.


Abolish War


Interview: Gavin James