Pieces to Invest in for Your College Wardrobe

Coming to college can bring a multitude of worries, and surprisingly enough those worries cansometimes include ‘what do I need to pack or invest in for my college wardrobe?’. With Ireland’schanging elements it can be difficult to condense the size of our wardrobes down, in comparison to what you might have at home if you’re moving from another county. Given that I am now entering my fourth year at UCC, there are some basic clothing pieces that I have noticed over the years which are essentials for the colder weather or long days at college which suit a multitude of styles.

  • Now, black boots might seem boringly obvious but trust me when I say they are alifesaver. You’re going to need footwear that will keep you warm and protect you fromthe elements. I would advise avoiding boots with a higher heel purely based on comfort,but a low chunky heel would be fine if that’s your style.
  • Denim jackets are perfect for when the weather is a little cooler but still has thedreaded humidity. Given that denim jackets have been staples in many wardrobes inrecent years this item shouldn’t be too hard to locate. With the variety now availableyou can have your pick of colours, patterns and linings to best suit your own style.
  •  I am known for my love of hats and I am here to preach the good word about them. Hatsare ideal for college given that they can hide your face and hair if you’re having a badhair day, are dying a slow death from flu in the library or have danced the night away ona night out. These are one of the most versatile pieces anyone can have in theirwardrobes given the abundance of different styles that are available.
  •  Like the denim jacket, puffer jackets are a trend that has been around for years and is acommon feature on college campuses. Ideal for the colder weather, these jackets almostact as a blanket to keep you warm when you’re spending hours in the library or in alecture. This is a trend that can suit everyone from the more minimalist person tosomeone who favours a more sports luxe vibe.
  • Jumpers might seem obvious but are ideal for just throwing on in the mornings anddepending on the colour or pattern or slogan you buy, jumpers can immediately liven upwhat could otherwise be a simple look of jeans or a skirt. I would recommend buying acouple of jumpers with different lengths and cuts, so you will have larger ones that suit acasual look with leggings more and shorter ones that show off your high waisted jeansor denim skirt.
  •  Sunglasses are my final recommendation for your college wardrobe essentials. Giventhat we don’t have the sunniest of climates all year round, sunglasses can often beforgotten when we enter the colder months. However, that winter sun is still there, andyou’ll be cursing not bring some sunnies with you on your walk to college. Also, giventhat many of us have days where we just don’t want anyone to see us, sunglasses areideal for hiding behind.

 Where to Shop in CorkIf you’re brand new to UCC and not from Cork, then you might not be familiar with the best places to shop in the city. Below is a list of places where you’ll definitely find clothes to suit all styles and price points!1. Mahon Point Shopping CentreAbout half an hour outside the city on the bus, Mahon Point is home to shops such as Zara,Stradivarius and Bershka which you won’t find in the city centre.2. Opera LaneWith shops such as Topshop, H&M, New Look and River Island, this is the main hub for high street shopping in the city.3. PenneysI mean, need I say more? With one Penneys on Patrick Street and another just beyond UCCin Wilton Shopping Centre, it’s Penneys heaven down here.4. Vintage!Shops such as Miss Daisy Blue and Records and Relics sell gorgeous vintage clothing fromshell jackets to a 1950s prom dress, while the Mother Jones Flea Market often has clothingstalls amongst everything else. The Village Hall is a similar establishment, with some crazyand no-so-crazy- pieces making their way to the shop floor amongst all the furniture and oldrecords.5. Charity ShopsBeing a student can be expensive so often you don’t want to spend a small fortune onclothes. Thankfully Cork has a huge selection of charity shops, with a lot being locatedaround North Main Street where you can find some gems for half the price, and a lot lessdamage to the environment.


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