Quick Tips to Improve Your Style

The second semester is in full swing now; you’ve already had enough lectures to make you wish that Christmas break was back, and you’re already dreaming of that mythical time after your end of year exams.While you’re stuck in a routine now, you might as well be dressed well. Here are just a few tips to keep you on the right track.

Basics First

Life is about progression. Learning that change is good – and accepting it – is what being a human is all about.The same can be said of fashion and the journey that all of us take from a complete rookie to a seasoned sartorial pro. What you liked a couple of years ago, you may not be such a big fan of now. For example, I was all about eating Haribos (blue only) a year ago, but now I am all about that Skittles life.When you first start out in the men’s style game, it can all be a bit too much to take in. Men’s fashion has seriously caught up with its female counterpart in the last decade, progressing to a level where the choices and options available to the average male are almost overwhelming.So, rather like learning to swim, it’s important to start in the shallow end and then work your way deeper. Begin by purchasing simple, classic, versatile pieces that you know will see you through any situation. Essentially, learn the rules of style.

Find the Hidden Gems

If we all cast our minds to a few years back, it wasn’t Drake taking over the charts; there was a fresh young rapper who went by the name Macklemore killing it on every radio station. I would be lying if I told you the song ‘Thrift Shop’ didn’t inspire me to go out and locate my own thrift shops to find clothes.Aside from it being an absolute tune, it really got me thinking about the whole nature and culture of thrift shopping that is alive and well in America, and the relative lack of presence it has within the men’s Irish style community. A lot of second-hand shops stock a huge amount of women’s stuff and very little men’s. This can be infuriating. Also, a lot of vintage shops seem to think they can still charge a lot for an item that came out in the 1970s, which sort of defeats the purpose.When you find a few good places to shop in your area, visit them frequently. You may even get to know the people working there so they can give you a heads up when stuff you might like arrives. Always try it on. Make sure it doesn’t restrict your movements and is still slim fitting with clean lines.The main point I’m trying to get across today is that vintage shops, second-hand/charity shops and army surplus stores are great places to pick up essential pieces of menswear that are of great quality for a very low price.

Colours Matter

Colour coordination should never be overlooked by the man building a wardrobe.  Well-chosen colours are like a proper fit:  a detail that can entirely make or break an outfit.Very nice clothing in the wrong colour combinations will still make you look bland and boring, or loud and foolish.Finding a happy medium is essential to developing the look men strive for.The most expensive clothes in the world will not look good if they’re not matching.Proper colour coordination can help your outfit glow if it’s boring, or tone it down a bit if it’s too loud.Also pay attention to your skin tone, certain colours make you look amazing: if you’re really sallow in complexion, sick to strong, bold colours which make you look brilliant.


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