Relay For Life a Success | Ellen Desmond

UCC’s first Relay for Life took place on February the 22nd - 23rd in aid of the Irish Cancer Society.The 24 hour event was opened at 6pm by UCC Cancer Society Auditor and founder Laura Hussey, cancer survivor Gavin O Donovan and a representative of the Irish Cancer Society.UCC Cancer Soc were joined by teams from all areas of UCC in walking laps around the track in bitterly cold conditions- but they succeeded in having several people present walking at all times.As night fell almost 1000 remembrance candle bags lined the track and all participants paused to reflect in the Candle of Hope ceremony. During this ceremony a care giver of his recently deceased mother told stories of his experience, and music played while the flood lights were powered off and all were consumed in darkness, save for  the light from the candles.The mood wasn’t all sombre however with a group of Engineering students taking part in a nearly naked lap, despite the minus 3 degree weather. Relay’s own Harlem Shake video was filmed and version of Take Me Out took place at 3am. These were followed by a Zumba class and several very entertaining themed laps, with Relay’s Got Talent held early the following morning.The walkers were supported by Domino’s Pizza who supplied ten free pizzas every hour to keep the cold volunteers on their feet. Constant live music was organised by UCC’s LMS and DJ Soc and several societies, clubs and courses were represented supporting their fellow students in the Cancer Society.Following 24 hours of fun, freezing and fundraising the event was closed by Karen O’ Neill and Laura Cashman, who thanked the participants and admitted that the close was “emotional” for them following two years of planning and excitement for the successful event.60% of money raised by UCC’s Relay is being donated to local cancer charities, with the remaining 40% going to cancer research. Total amounts raised to be announced in the coming weeks. 


KMPG Partner Terence O’ Rourke speaks to Students | Claire Crowley


John Bercow Speaks in UCC | Lorna Gardiner