Season’s Eatings By John Barker

It pains me to say goodbye to Halloween as I sit here, a mere shell, post numerous spooky parties and nights of costume changes. Yet we only have to take a walk down our main street to know the world is well and truly over the season of horror and is fully immersed in, dare I say it, Christmas. Although it gets earlier and earlier every year, it’s really only after October 31st that we feel permitted to begin embracing it. Personally, I’d love to hold off a little longer, but alas, now is the time to share my tradition in the name of gift-giving on a budget and planning ahead. It started years ago, on my first Christmas as a rent payer, but also as an assumed adult. Rent and bills did not allow for the usual obnoxious expenditure on presents so I got thrifty and jars were the key. They can be bought relatively inexpensively, either online or in any of the discount shops, and then you just have to fill them. Cooking has given me a multitude of options for contents between sauces, jams and pickles, to name but a few, and by starting now it gives some such chutneys and relishes time to mature, whilst also allowing you to get ahead of the December frenzy. That particular year saw three little pots make their way to the tables of every uncle, aunt and neighbour whom were all in turn so impressed by the effort and sheer deliciousness of each of the condiments. So, in my war against supermarkets and their big round tubs of chocolates that get passed from house to house, I share with you the original three recipes in the hope that kitchen tables across the country will all be adorned by such gifts. Cranberry Sauce-Take 300g of fresh cranberries and put in a pot.-Add 4 tablespoons of water and bring to the boil.-After about 10 minutes, when the cranberries have burst, take off the heat and stir through 150g of caster sugar.-Cool and transfer to sterilised jars*. Cucumber Pickle-Thinly slice three cucumbers and one white onion.-In a pot, bring 100g of sugar, 500 ml of water and 100 ml of white wine vinegar to a boil until the sugar has dissolved and take off the heat.-Cool the above pickling liquid and pour it over the cucumber and onion mix.-Transfer to sterilised jars*. Chocolate Caramel Sauce-In a pan, melt 200g of dark chocolate, 500g of butter and 500g of brown caster sugar.-Take off the heat and whisk in 500ml of cream and 1 teaspoon of Maldon sea salt (optional but so yum).-Cool and transfer to sterilised jars*. *How to sterilise your jars:-Put the jars and lids separately into a pan of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes.-Turn your oven to 120 degrees and transfer to jars to the oven to dry them out at a low temperature for 15-20 minutes.-Done.


Riot Games and Blizzard: Rivals in Controversy (and for our Hearts)


The Rule of Soup By John Barker