Sexpress 2017/18 Issue 1 - Questions & Orgasm Facts

Ask Sexpress

If you have questions you want to ask our panel of ‘sexperts’ you can go to Hi, I’m starting in UCC this year and never really fit into school because I didn’t identify the same as everyone else. Is there any clubs or places to go in Cork where I could make friends?I’m not entirely sure if you mean this from an LGBTQ+ perspective of identity, or something else entirely, so I’ll try answer this in a few ways.As far as “traditional” LGBTQ+ clubs, Chambers (Washington Street, opposite the Courthouse) is the only explicitly ‘gay’ club in Cork. Lots of other bars go as far as calling themselves “gay friendly” but they might be better places to go with your queer partner rather than pulling. For less-alcohol orientated ventures you have the different groups & collectives in the city. UCC has its own LGBT society that runs weekly events, and there are always Cork Gay Project, LINC, Bi+Ireland and Cork Trans Group ran events in Cork. Keep an eye on their social media accounts for more. There’s also a “gay sauna” or two in town, but they can be sketchy locations at times, so make sure you’re to mind yourself if that’s your kind of thing (and, as always, use protection).If you meant “identify differently” to mean that you were different in other ways, there are lots of clubs & societies in UCC and Cork itself that fit almost all backgrounds, beliefs and interests. Feel free to email us on to clarify if we didn’t quite get there.***Hey,I feel like I am quite inexperienced sexually, even though I’m not a virgin, and I definitely want to use my time in college to explore. I’m just worried that I will get a name for myself around campus or that things will get messy. Do you have any advice? Firstly, don’t pressure yourself into doing anything. Remember consent is vital and a necessity of both or all parties. If you don’t feel like doing something, don’t do it, and don’t pressure anyone else either. Make sure you communicate with all of your partners. If you just want something casual and fun, make sure they know in advance. This will help to stop things getting messy. Also make sure you always use protection, get checked for STIs regularly and pee after sex to avoid UTIs!People will talk, just like in secondary school it happens in college. It is a lot easier to avoid bitching and rumours though, as campus is so big, and especially if you avoid getting with someone in your course. You’ll be studying with these people for 3 to 4 years so make sure to think of that before you hook up with someone at your first class party. College is all about exploration, so don’t be too nervous if you feel like you have messed up because everyone else has at some stage too. Enjoy your time and remember to stay safe. ***I’m a virgin and I don’t plan on losing my virginity anytime soon. No one questioned it in school and I am nervous that people are going to come on to me, how do I tell them nicely to back off?The easiest way to turn someone down politely is to just be honest and tell them that you’re not interested in them. If they are really persistent make sure that you’re very clear with them, that no means no. If you feel pressured at any time, just tell them no and walk away or leave. You will meet people with all different ranges of sexual experience in college. Most people are very accepting and you’ll definitely find people who will not question you. You’re totally entitled to enjoy yourself and go at your own pace, and if people don’t accept that or push you too much, there are tonnes more people around who will accept you for who you are. ***Hiya, I want to go on the pill, does the UCC doctor prescribe the pill? And is it free?UCC Health Centre does provide a Contraception Consultation for a fee of 20 euro. The Health Centre is located at Ardpatrick College Road, and be contacted on 021 4902311.***I really want to get a proper boyfriend in college, I am tired of being single. Should I start using apps like tinder or bumble or should I try to go out and meet someone?This question really depends on who you want to meet. Your best bet is probably to try all of the options. Tinder can be a place for hook-ups, but I know lots of couples who have met over it and are now in serious relationships. There are lots of other apps too, like Plenty of Fish and Badoo which could help you find someone looking for something more serious. In terms of meeting someone in person, there are loads of societies and clubs you can join in UCC to meet new people of various interests. Cork student nightlife is a great way to meet people too. And you never know, If you go out and just make some new friends, or you could even meet the person of your dreams through them! ***Is it true that you can buy condoms cheaper in the SU office? It is! You can get them at a discounted rate from the Student Union Welfare Officer if you call up to the office, which is located at 54 College Road.  You can get 9 for €3, 30 for €10, or 144 for €33. Sometimes condoms are handed out around campus for free too, during weeks like Shag Week, and Freshers/Re-freshers.***

10 Facts About the Orgasm

Laura O’Connor, Staff WriterAhhhh, the wonderful orgasm  - elusive for some, far too easy to attain for others, am I right?Coming to college is often what forms many people’s experiences of climaxes, so we’ve decided to supply you with some facts about orgasms for you to contemplate while... experiencing some, shall we say.

  1. Penises and clitorises are homologous, ie., they are formed from the same tissue in a developing embryo. It makes the effort of finding the clitoris worth it!
  2. People of any gender can have multiple orgasms in a row, it’s not only people with clitorises that get to have all the fun.
  3. Orgasms stimulate areas in the brain that pain is sometimes processed in. This is why people sometimes make hilarious faces during climax.
  4. Speaking of pain, they can also relieve it. Sex can actually cure those headaches, folks (though I’d rely on painkillers and drinking water, instead).
  5. Some people have reported orgasming during childbirth. A bit of an unseen benefit to the whole ordeal.  
  6. There is a French phrase that refers to orgasming as “The Little Death” …
  7. …which is apt, considering that former US Vice President Nelson Rockefeller allegedly died from a heart attack caused by orgasm.
  8. Orgasming can reduce your risk of prostate cancer, if you have a prostate. Studies have found that people with prostates who orgasm at least 21 times a month have less risk than those who orgasm 7/8 times a month.
  9. Orgasming makes you more likely to disclose personal details to your partner. Better brush up on those pillowtalk skills!
  10. Nocturnal orgasms are possible for everyone; sweet dreams, friends.

College is a fun time for everyone, and an even better time to get informed about things. Hopefully this gets you on the right track – sex is fun, and even better with at least one other person.Happy orgasming!


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