Shayan Tribute

On the morning of Saturday the 2nd of February, UCC societies were made aware via e-mail of the sudden passing of UCC student Shayan Nasser. Shayan was active in student media, and was a committee member of both the UCC Journalism Society, and the UCC Music Society. He was also a writer for the University Express, as well as a host and panel member of the Journalism Societies’ ‘Journo Hour’ radio show.On behalf of the University Express, we our thoughts and condolences are with Shayans family and friends at this very difficult time. We asked Shayan’s friends if they would like to share a member of Shayan as a tribute to their friend, and our colleague. Below are a selection of such tributes. As a community, it is important for UCC to stick together at what is a difficult time for many.Shayan enthusiasm, willingness to work hard and ability to have fun while doing so will stick with those he knew forever. He was an both an exceptional student and person, passionate about writing, radio and music.  “Shayan’s enthusiasm and positivity was like none I ever had the pleasure of knowing before. He brought a particularly special energy to any room he was in, to any group he was part of or any event he was at. Shayan was passionate about and admiringly dedicated to all of his interests, being an active and valuable member of both the Music and the Journalism Society in UCC. He had a keen interest in and undoubtable gift for radio, being often on the Journo Hour show at eleven o’clock on Tuesdays and hosting his very own show every Friday. I cannot even begin to try explain just how missed Shayan will be by everyone who ever had the pleasure of knowing and working with him; it really is beyond words and comprehension. Shayan, you were a shooting star that touched all of our lives much too briefly, but with a significance that will keep you always in our dearest memories.” - Ciara Dinneen, UCC Journalism Society PRO“Shayan was always eager to help and entertain, and it is this bubbly and cheerful personality that stays with everyone that knew him. He was able to very easily speak on the radio for a whole hour at a time on any topic, a very admirable skill! I had a lot of fun times with him talking about everything and anything, in particular current affairs. Shayan was a wonderful man and he will be missed here in UCC, a community he made his own during his time here” - Lucas Brun, Editor-in-Chief of Motley Magazine“We were very lucky to have Shayan join our committee after our EGM this year. He really was a lovely addition to our society. Shayan was always willing to be hands on with our various events and never shied  away from helping out other committee members. Even though he was involved in many other things on campus, Shayan always made time for the Music Society and followed through on his responsibilities. A couple of weeks ago, Shayan told us that he was planning on staying on the committee next year. Those of us who will have to leave the committee felt safe and confident in the fact that Shayan would continue to be an integral part of, and a friend to our society. He will truly, truly be missed by all of us” - UCC Music Society“Shayan was the brightest light that beamed in every room he entered. His charm, wit and effervescent personality will be sadly missed by myself, the Journalism Society, UCC FM and all who knew him, including his family and friends. Shayan has entered a new room of late, but beyond the darkness of the present moment he is shining the brightest light in his new home and that light will follow us everywhere we step until we meet him once again. I can't sum him up beyond these words - he has kept beaming bright, even when the lights have gone out” - Matthew Moynihan, Committee member of UCC Journalism SocietyShayan was a talented  broadcaster and a warm spirit, I felt straight away he was an asset to the  station and in turn to the college community. I always looked forward to him calling up  and talking about his ideas. I would air check his shows and I found myself being drawn in  by his wit and his insight to political affairs on a global scale that affects us all and his ability to  explain them to his audience. He called his show Fresh Air  and it was one of the most aptly named shows we ever had. On a personal  note I remember we were just chatting one morning and I asked him what was  the age difference between him and his younger brother and he said two year and he mentioned he was also one of his best friends. That was the moment  that sums up Shayan for me, no ego and larger than life with a big heart that will be sadly missed. - Kieran Hurley, UCC 98.3FM    For anyone who has been affected by this article there support services are available :  Student Counselling - 021 4903565  Student Health - 021 4902311.  Samaritans - 116 123 Pieta House - 021 434 1400 Niteline - 1800 32 32 42 


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