Students march through Cork to protest cutbacks | Emmet Curtin

Today, UCC students held one of the three regional protests against an increase in fees as part of the USI National Day of Action.

The Cork University played host to students from colleges across Munster including IT Tralee, WIT, LIT and CIT.

Annie Hoey, Deputy President and Campaigns Officer of UCC spoke about the eagerness of students to get involved in the protest: "There has been phenomenal feedback to the protest in UCC, especially amongst first years, who will be among the hardest hit. They have not been prepared for the difficulties they are going to have to face.

“There has been great feedback from UCC students; we've been getting e-mails and texts asking 'When is it on?', 'When can we come down?' and 'Do you need any help?'. It's great to see that kind of community spirit from UCC and I'm really proud of how engaged UCC students have been in the protest."

The protest was one of three organised by the Union of Students Ireland (USI), with the other two taking place in Sligo and Dublin, which brought in colleges from across Connaught and Leinster respectively.

The protest began in UCC, going through the City Centre before finishing in The Grand Parade where Student Union leaders spoke against a further increase in student fees.

The protest was peaceful and, organised with the help of An Garda Síochána, without incident.UCC Student Union President, Podge Haughney spoke out about emigration in particular, saying that "Out of the six past UCC Student Union Presidents, 5 have emigrated.

“One third of all future UCC graduates will be forced to emigrate in search of employment. This is not just one college’s problem, but a national problem."

These sentiments were echoed by speakers from other colleges who also brought up issues including student hardship, cuts to grants and increases in fees as just some of the problems students have to face.[gallery ids="4065,4066,4064,4063,4062,4068"]

For more news on the National Day of Action, including more photos, interviews with students and much more, check out the UCC Express on campus next Tuesday.



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