SU Survey Highlights College Wi-Fi Issues

The results of a UCCSU-run survey on Wi-Fi connectivity issues in UCC during term one have been released, with 61% of respondents claiming that the Eduroam service was, at various points in time during the first term, unusable.The survey, which ran throughout the month of November, was organised after a UCCSU Council meeting on October 29th, during which a number of class reps made complaints about the service. In total, 167 students logged complaints relating to UCC’s Wi-Fi during the month, with the availability and quality of the service emerging as the key issues.

"20% of respondents claimed they could not connect even when Eduroam was available and 23% reported continuous disconnections."

30% of those who responded claimed that Wi-Fi was unavailable in several areas where they would expect to be able to access the service, including the Kane Building, Food Sciences Building and the Main Rest. Availability on satellite campuses also proved to be a significant problem, as a high number of the complaints identified the Brookfield campus, specifically rooms G01 and G02, as having little or no internet access.Even in buildings where a Wi-Fi connection was available, students still had problems connecting to the service. 20% of respondents claimed they could not connect even when Eduroam was available and 23% reported continuous disconnections.Furthermore, 21% of students highlighted that the Wi-Fi speed was slower than in previous years, with the majority of these complaints describing the service as unusable.


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