The Art of Fractions | Fergal Carroll

Gaming Editor Fergal Carroll is reunited with his greatest love – fractions - while gaining a new one.

      At my roommate’s behest, I recently rediscovered the joys of fractions through the beautiful interactive medium of videogames. Waiting and ready to reunite my love with the most elegant of number types I leaped head first into Frog Fractions almost willing my brain to be caressed by those simple, yet informative, fractions.I sat down, loaded the game in my browser, and let the learning commence. The first thing I noticed was the boastful claim that lay right on the title screen “Revolutionary! The absolute best way to teach your child about fractions!” (Annabelle Stormm, EIC Didactics UK, #4.2 Jan ‘08). I couldn’t ignore a statement like that, especially from Didactics UK. I was excited by fractions when I first heard about them in primary school but the prospect of learning about them in a ‘revolutionary’ way not only enthralled me, it downright seduced me...The game itself seemed simple. I played as a little frog defending three pieces of fruit from invading insects. Each time I ate an insect I was instantly rewarded with a delicious fraction. 7/2. 9/5. 8/3. Each one more tantalising than the last. At the end of the first round my score was 8248/315. It was at this stage I realised the game wasn’t messing around. There was some serious fraction action going on and I was loving it. People often claim that decimals are the better format to represent rational numbers. Let me just state now, these people are crazy.After earning enough fruit I was able to purchase some upgrades. After some careful consideration I opted for the ‘Cybernetic Brain’. The next round was intense. My new ability changed the gameplay entirely. Suddenly my beloved fractions disappeared. My score now read 5.25e-1. I didn’t know what it meant but it turned me on. The mystery, the unknown, the possibilities...More rounds passed. My abilities got stronger each time. Suddenly, my brave little frog’s static lily pad was replaced by a turtle. Slowly but surely; I navigated the pond like a king. My efforts were duly noted as my turtle morphed into a dragon; the most majestic of creatures. My frog sat atop; a king for all to see. His knowledge of numbers, fractions and otherwise, were rivalled by none; a metaphor as powerful as my mighty little frog himself.It was here that I discovered Frog Fractions’ true colours. Riding the dragon to glory, my little frog discovered the true depths of this educational experience. Soon my formidable team escaped that confining pond and discovered the depths of the ocean, the vastness of the university and the beauty of exploration in a journey that left me speechless.I could rattle on about my experience, divulge all the details. Tell you how I visited alien planets, stood trial, travelled space, ran a certain ‘blue’ industry and truly became king of the universe* but I won’t. Frog Fractions is really a game that you have to play and discover its joys for yourself. To spoil it would be a disservice to both you and the game itself. If you want to experience your own kinky fraction adventure, navigate to and get ready to fall head over heels in love, all over again.* This is all completely true.   


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