The Benefits of the Skills Centre

by Skills Centre Reporter Tadhg Kearney

Based in Q-1 in the Boole Library (follow the yellow footsteps!), the Skills Centre offers classes and workshops on a broad range of topics that are vital towards success in your degree. Classes like effective academic writing, presentation skills, essay structure, exam preparation, and more, will help you succeed in your academic journey. If you’re unable to attend these workshops, this year we are delighted to offer increased hours for drop-in sessions. Every Tuesday and Wednesday, 10am to 4pm, you can pop in to the Makerspace in The Hub and talk to one of our tutors one-to-one in a safe, non-judgemental space, to ask questions and receive guidance tailored to you.

The transition into college life- whether that be from secondary school or returning to education as a mature student- is daunting. Take assignment writing for example. Every student struggles to get used to referencing, academic writing, compiling a bibliography, etc. A lot of the time, students are thrown into the deep end with these new concepts and it can be difficult to master these new skills. This struggle is normal, and you are not the only one. By attending our workshops, you are gaining practical knowledge and transferable skills you can apply to every facet of your life in university and beyond.

All of the sessions we run feed into each other. They are designed to help you become the best student you can be. Effective time management helps you balance course work, extracurricular activities and your personal life. Developing your written communication skills helps you better articulate your own critical thinking. Proper note taking aids in studying.

Effective time management helps you make the most of your time inside and outside of university. The benefits here are innumerable. Beyond improved academic performance, you will feel better and more confident about the work that you produce.

That’s not to say you need to attend every session. Every student will struggle with different things and to different extents. But by attending one session, you’re improving on a lot of different skills. Just start somewhere, identify what you struggle with the most, and work on it! As you develop these essential skills, you will get more and more confident in yourself. Thosepesky feelings of stress and anxiety will start to fade and you’ll begin to see just how enjoyableuniversity life can be.

Attend Skills Centre workshops, avail of the services and resources we offer, and become an academic weapon, well suited to tackle any challenge with the necessary skills and confidencewe know you can achieve. To learn more about the Skills Centre and the other services we runsuch as asynchronous essay feedback or online guides you can look at in your own time- you canvisit our website. Follow us on social media and unlock your potential today!


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