The End of The Beginning

It’s hard to believe that this is the last time I will be putting words on a page as part of my editorial during my time with the Express as Editor-In-Chief, but I have to say from the outset what an incredible experience it has been for me, something that I will always cherish.It can be difficult to those who aren’t accustomed to reading papers to fully comprehend the pride and satisfaction that seeing your name under a heading can mean, and while I’m nearing my seventh year in the game, I still have that Christmas morning buzz every time I’m able to put my name to something. Having pride in your work and the way in which you conduct yourself is essential to leading a successful and prosperous life and if I have learned anything from my tenure it is to acknowledge your very best moments and seek to carry them forward as you embark on your next venture.While scripts have had better endings, the challenges that the Express and I have faced in light of COVID offers a great insight into the spirit and teamwork that I had so hoped to foster when I entered the job last Summer. I have always said that there are far more talented writers than me in the Express and I’m glad to have been proven right on so many occasions this year with some of the incredible content that has been published in the paper. To regurgitate a classic cliché, there is no ‘I’ in team and it’s safe to say that every member of this year’s Express team have all brought something to the table. Undoubtedly my proudest achievement this year has been to promote and support the most important fights for future UCC students, while also taking particular pleasure in seeing the progress of so many of this year’s writers and staff, many of whom would never have had the confidence to pen their name to something previously.I want to pay tribute to each and everyone of the Express family, especially those closest to me. Fiona and Cian have been brilliant to work with this year and their commitment to the cause has always been second to none. They will forever be down on the wedding invitation list.Finally to the readers. I can’t thank you enough for the support that you have given us this year. You are the reason why we do what we do and it has been an honour to play a very small part in your college experience.Alas that is it. I wish you all well during these uncertain times and if I may use a quote from a controversial figure that may describe my own departure and the greater context that now surrounds us, “Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning.”For the final time, happy reading.Take Care,Ciaran.


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