The Self-Care Issue

The Christmas/New Year period can be the highlight of the year for some but for others it’s merely a storm to brave through. And so, it only seemed fitting that this ‘Welcome Back!’ issue would focus on just a few recommendations that might help with the post celebratory lull. Sometimes picking up a motivational book or switching on a film (while not spending the majority of the time perusing social media on your phone) can remind you how to look for joy in the little things. Having said that, while a self-help book and a Netflix binge can be a nice time out if you are struggling in any way - academically or personally – it is a short-term solution to a long-term issue. But this issue can be managed so try to talk to a friend or family member about it. And if that seems too great a burden, remember that UCC offer a vast array of support whether it be from your peer support leader (who can lead you in the right direction), your department, or the free student counselling service. In the meantime, make sure to take some time for yourself. Absolutely everything else can wait.




Trend watch: Spring 2019