Tips for Tomorrow’s UCC Careers Fair!

By Méabh Lonergan With Covid-19 restrictions still in place around campus, the UCC Graduate Recruitment Fair will be held virtually tomorrow Wednesday October 6th for the second year in a row.  While to some, this may seem like a let-down, to many this move will bring added flexibility - those with overly busy schedules or difficulty accessing campus and its facilities will continue to benefit from its online nature.Over 120 employers are registered to attend, with names such as Bank of Ireland, Boston Scientific, Nikon and Deloitte among them, making this a valuable opportunity to network and discover new areas of work.  Want to make the most of it?  We have some tips below:Before the event

  • Check your technology - the Fair will be held in a number of virtual “rooms”, where you can chat to an employer via a messaging function, but some employers may want to speak to you face-to-face, meaning a good internet connection, camera and microphone will be useful.
  • Touch up your CV - is it up to date? Is it formatted well? Does it still have your JC grades on it from the time your Transition Year guidance counsellor made you put them down and insisted they actually mean something?  Get it all pretty and ready to go, and upload it to your profile!
  • Research, research, research - make the most of Google and LinkedIn to identify what it is that these companies do - many may be unfamiliar to you, and their function not easily identified from their name and logo, so figuring out what they’re all about will help you make the most of your time!
  • Prepare your questions - you want to make the most out of this opportunity, so knowing what you want to know is half the battle!
  • Practice your pitch! - You want to sell yourself as best as possible, so figure out what you want employers to know about you, and get ready to introduce yourself clearly and smoothly!

 During the event

  • Dress well - you may have your pyjama bottoms on, but make sure your top half is dressed to impress - a nice shirt, neat hair, and non-shiny makeup is ideal.  Similarly, make sure your background looks neat, and you won’t be distracted by too many loud noises.  Make eye contact with the camera, as opposed to just staring at yourself the whole time!
  • Put yourself out there. - You may be tempted to hang back and just listen, but don’t be afraid to approach employers, introduce yourself, and ask questions!  
  • Take notes - write down the names and contact information of who you spoke to, but also what was discussed, and anything important you have learnt!

 After the event

  • Get on that LinkedIn and on those connection requests - you can introduce yourself with something you remember discussing from your notes, and if you’re feeling extra brave, you can send on your CV!

The UCC Virtual Graduate Recruitment Fair will be held tomorrow, October 6th, you can find out more about the fair and register here: 


“Stand up and Fight” - An Interview with Kevin “Kevaman” Jardim-Lalor of Munster Rugby Gaming 
