UCC Celebrate Works Award

This year many students from University College Cork benefited from the UCC WorksAward, and some were recently awarded for their achievements from the last academic year.The UCC Works Award is a professional skills development programme, and demonstratesthat you have engaged in, and developed professional skills through extra-curricular activitiesand work experience, all of which will help you to stand out from the crowd when applyingfor graduate roles and internships.The UCC Works Award enables students to receive formal recognition for the learninggained from their involvement in extra-curricular activities inside and outside of UCC. Theactivities are categorised into four pathways. 1: Internship Pathway. 2: Student Life Pathway3: Volunteering Pathway. 4: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Pathway.Speaking to the University Express about his involvement with the UCC Works Award wasRian Browne, who was the winner of the Global Citizenship Award.“Ive always been pretty active in terms of societies and activism since I came to UCC so theWorks Award for me was a great way not only to have something substantial to add to myCV but also to quantify and acknowledge the work of so many students. Students contributeto student life and that often falls under the radar, so to have the UCC Works Award tocelebrate this is really important.”The award is open to all undergraduate and postgraduate students of UCC. Seewww.ucc.ie/careers/uccworks for further details on the FOUR award pathways.The award isdesigned to prepare you for the challenges you face in making the transition to work. Tosucceed after university, you should focus on developing the employability skills employersvalue like working as part of a team or communicating well. The UCC Works Award givesyou an opportunity to develop these all-round skills that employers value greatly.There are great benefits from getting involved, including; 1: Achieve formal recognition fortaking part in extracurricular activities that you enjoy. 2: Boost your career prospects bydemonstrating to employers that you have developed competencies they want. 3: Stand outfrom the crowd and have your contribution recorded on your Diploma Supplement. 4:Receive a Digital Badge which is a formal recognition of your accomplishment and can bedisplayed on your ePortfolios, LinkedIn and other online platforms.The UCC Works Employability Star award, Global Citizen Award, and Leadership Awardmay be awarded to students who have received three or more UCC Works Awards by theirfinal year in UCC. The awards must be spread over two academic years and must includeawards from three of the four pathways. One Employability Star Award, Global CitizenAward, and Leadership Award are given per year. More details on these awards are atwww.ucc.ie/careers/uccworksIf you would like to find out more, please visit the Volunteering Fair on September 18 th inDevere Hall, where UCC Works will have a stand, or go to www.ucc.ie/careers/uccworks


"I don't care about politics!"


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